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  CNN GOP Presidential Town Hall  CNN  March 29, 2016 5:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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tonight. our republican presidential town hall with anderson cooper right across town starts right now. and good evening from milwaukee. exactly one week before wisconsin's presidential primary in the middle of a history-making race for the republican nomination. >> tonight, three republican presidential candidates face the voters. two of them facing off like never seen before. >> lyin' ted cruz. >> you're a sniveling coward. >> donald trump, ted cruz. for them, it's personal. with their spouses in the middle of the fight. >> leave heidi the hell alone. >> they're defending their wives and trying to win over a party that's skeptical of both and could be planning for a contested convention. >> we've always been the little engine that can. >> ohio winner john kasich trying to play spoiler.
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he can't win enough delegates to win outright, but he can see himself winning in a contested convention. >> i'm the only person that can win in the fall. >> will wisconsin be the next step in his plan to stop trump and cruz and become the last republican standing? after a primary like this, will the republican party, itself, born in wisconsin in 1854, still be standing? with isis attacking, the supreme court in flux, and the future up for grabs, the party knows it counts. voters know it counts. the candidates know it counts. >> wisconsin is a battleground. >> it's all on the line in wisconsin tonight. this is an anderson cooper "360" cnn republican town hall. voters seeking answers before making a choice that could make history.
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>> and good evening from the riverside theater in milwaukee, wisconsin,s we're simulcasting live now on cnn, cnnes pan yol, cnn international, and xm sirius channel 117. we're here with the three remaining republican candidates. in the audience tonight, republicans and independents all of whom are voting in next week's republican primary. some have already made their decisions on a candidate, others still undecided. they came up with the questions you'll hear tonight. we reviewed them to make sure the questions don't overlap. i'm going to ask a few questions as well but tonight this town hall is a chance for voters to hear at length from the candidates. so let's get right to it. joining us right now, the u.s. senator from texas, please welcome ted cruz.
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[ cheers and applause ] hey, senator, welcome. >> anderson. >> nice to see you. have a seat. welcome. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> congratulations on a big endorsement from the governor of the state, scott walker. obviously a big thing for your campaign. we're going to hear a lot of questions tonight from the voters on a lot of issues. i want to start by talking to you about a couple issues of the day. you talked a little bit tonight about donald trump's campaign manager corey loon s lewandowski. if you were his campaign manager, would you ask him to be resign? >> of course. it shouldn't be complicated. members of the campaign staff should not be physically assaulting the press. i mean, that shouldn't be a complicated decision. >> i mean, he says she's innocent of all the charges. you believe it was assault? >> you know, he's just been charged. i know that the reporter alleged that she was physically assaulted. that -- i will say it's consistent with a pattern of the trump campaign. >> you think it says something about the campaign, itself, about the leadership? >> the culture of the campaign has been a campaign built on
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attacks, on insults, and i think there is no place in politics for insults, for personal attacks, for going to the gutter and there should be no place for physical violence, either. >> i want to ask you about the path ahead for you. you need 85% of the remaining delegates to secure the nomination. not impossible, but highly improbable. will you admit tonight that a contested convention is your best bet to get the nomination? >> not remotely because most -- >> you think you can get 85% -- >> absolutely. our path going forward is to get 1,237. most of the races coming up are either winner take all or winner take most. >> but you've only gotten 30% of the delegates so far. we're half over. >> well -- >> how do you go from 30% to 85%? >> i tell you, way you do that -- it's the situation. if two guys are hiking in the woods and a bear starts chasing them, you know the old joke the fellow sits down, starts to put on his running shoes and the guy turns to his friends and said, what are you doing? you can't outrun the bear.
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the guy say, i don't have to outrun the bear, i have to j outrun you. that principle is the same thing going forward, if we continue to beat donald trump, you know, we just had a few days ago in utah a massive victim aory against dd trump and got all the delegates in utah. if we continue to beat donald trump going forward, most of the states are winner take all or winner take most and we get north of 80% of the delegates, simply by beating donald trump going forward. >> donald trump is still way out ahead of you. he won louisiana. you got more delegates out of louisiana which he is obviously upset about. 85% in the remaining races is more than you've ever gotten anywhere. >> but you don't have to win 85%, anderson. the way it works, you have to win the races going forward but when you win, you get most of all the delegates. here's the dynamic that played out. a year ago there were 17 candidates. fantast fantastic, diverse, field. the field has narrowed now. what donald benefits from is division because donald has had pretty consistently a floor of about 20% to 25% but he's got a
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hard ceiling of about 35% to 40% that he has a real hard time breaking. and so when there are two or three or four other candidates and they divide the vote, he can win state after state with 30%, 35%, even 40%, head to head, donald has an incredibly difficult time breaking 50%. >> the kasich campaign has made an effort to reach out to your campaign to strike some sort of a pack in order to defeat donald trump. wouldn't that make sense? apparently all the reports are so far you've not responded. >> it makes no sense at all. john kasich has to path to win. we're competing to win. we're not competing to stop trump. we're competing to win the nomination. john kasich went 0 for 27. lost 27 states in a row. >> he admits it's going to go to a contested convention, that's where he says he can win. >> i understand, except it's against the rules for john kasich to be on the ballot. the rules apply in order to be on the ballot if no one has 1,237 you have to have won at least 8 states. now, there are only two
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candidates who are going to meet that threshold, donald trump and me. our preferred option is win 1,237 delegates before the convention. we are working hard to do that and i'll mention wisconsin's going to be critical in that, but the second option, which is entirely possible, we could get to a convention where nobody has 1,237 delegates and we come in with a ton of delegates, donald trump comes in with a ton of delegates and if that happens, then it becomes a battle for the delegates, but the only two names on the ballot are going to be donald trump and me. on the rules, those are the only two people that can be voted on. i think in that situation, we're in a very strong position to earn the 1,237 votes from the delegates elected by the people. >> i want to talk about policy. in the wake of the horrible attacks we saw in brussels, you proposed securing our borders, crushing isis, stopping refugees. you also stuuggested law enforcement patrol muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized. john kasich said, quote, what we want to do is start policing
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muslim neighborhoods, create more divisions, start policing neighborhoods in lacrosse? this is politics trying to appeal to people's base instincts and fears. is that what you're doing? >> what i believe we should do, we need a commander in chief who's focused on keeping this country safe. >> what does it mean patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods? how do you decide -- >> let me answer your question. we had a terror attack in brussels last week. it was a horrific attack. president obama could barely be bothered to stop his baseball game with communist dictators to say anything about it. [ applause ] and when he did, he followed this bizarre pattern that he has followed for year after year after year where he refuses to say the words "radical islamic terrorism." instead what he does, what he did after the paris terror attack, what he did after san bernardino is he goes on television and he lectures americans about islamophobia. enough is enough. how about a president that actually stands up and defends this country?
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we need a commander -- >> what does that mean patrol muslim neighborhoods? >> what it means is that we target the enemy. now, there is a difference between islam and islamism. islamism is a political and theocratic philosophy that commands its adherence to wage violent jihad, to murder or to forcibly convert all infidels. by infed dells, i mean every one of the rest of us. islamism is our enemy. when president obama and hillary clinton and the modern democratic party play this politically correct game of denying it, it means they don't fight it effectively. for example, let's talk about the consequences of it. obama and hillary both advocate bringing tens of nows of syrian muslim refugees -- >> you want to stop that, but you did talk about patrolling muslim neighborhoods. >> sure, absolutely. >> a lot of folks yo, you kept saying that worked in new york, political correctness made the police solve that. chief bratton says that complete
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bunk. i want to read you what, in fact -- the guy who ran that program you say was such a big success says it didn't lead to any prosecutions, there were no leads from it. >> listen, you are right that after i called for increased vigilance protecting us that barack obama, hillary clinton, and new york's mayor bill de blasio all attacked me. i wear that as a badge of pride. i'm not going to apologize -- >> bill bratton, worked for rudy giuliani. >> i understand the commissioner who works for bill de blasio has a political imperative. de blasio is a left-wing radical. >> the commander who oversaw the very program that you claim was a success in new york testified under oath that it didn't lead to any investigations in the six years. >> anderson, in new york, this was a successful program. set up under mayor michael bloomberg to monitor and to work cooperatively with the muslim community to prevent radicalization and to stop radical islamic terrorism plots -- >> can you name one case --
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>> there are a number of cases. identified a bookstore that was a locust for radicalization and allowed law enforcement to go after that bookstore and what happened was when mayor bill de blasio got elected, he gave in to political correctness and shut the unit down. listen, if you want to stop radical islamic terrorism, the answer isn't to go hang out in random neighborhoods. it is, instead, to focus on communities are radicalization is a risk. i'll tell you what europe has done. europe has followed the path that barack obama and hillary clinton want to put us on that the tragedies, these terror attacks in europe are a result of failed immigration policies where they've allowed vast numbers of islamic terrorists to come into europe and they're in communities that are isolated. they're called no h-go communities where the law enforcement doesn't engage in those communities. one in brussels, molenbeek has been an incubator for radical islamic terrorism. many of these terrorist plots trace back to molenbeek.
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my plan is very simple. america should not make the mistakes of europe. we should not disengage. we should have law enforcement actively engage to stop radicalization before it stops -- and i recognize that the media and the democrats hate it when someone actually describes who the enemy is. i'll tell you as president, every single day, i will wake up fighting radical islamic terrorism and working to defeat it. >> turning back to the campaign. [ applause ] it's obviously been a very rough and tumble week between you and donald trump. a salacious story about you was published in "national enquirer." you say donald trump, people around him were responsible for planting that story. do you have proof of that? >> sure. the story on its face quoted one person on the record, roger stone. >> former adviser -- >> roger stone has been donald trump's chief political adviser. he planned and ran his presidential campaign and he's been his hatchet man. he spent 40 years as a hatchet man but not only that, the head of the "national enquirer," guy
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named david peicker, is good friends with donald trump. >> you don't know that he planted that story. >> the "national enquirer" in its history never endorsed a presidential candidate until donald trump. now, donald trump suggested the head of the "national enquirer" should take over "time" magazine. who in their right mind should suggest the head of the "national enquirer" should take over "time" magazine? >> early on in the campaign it seems like you made a political calculation not to go after him. just last week on a radio program, you said essentially those candidates who went after him early on were road kill, you needed to build your base. back in december you tweeted "the establishment's only hope, trump and me in a cage match, sorry to disappoint, donald trump is terrific." that was after he'd already made fun of carly fiorina's face, after he'd gone after megyn kelly. at that point, did you really believe donald trump was terrific?
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>> what i knew was the media was en ddange d engaged in a love fest. >> sounds like you were engaged in a love fest. >> how many hours of free media do cnn, fox, other stations, let you call in -- >> we asked you for interviews pretty much every day and declined every offer on my program. >> i'll point out i've been inviting donald trump for several days to come and make this debate. he's coming later and he's terrified to make it a debate because he doesn't want to actually stand and have his record challenged. >> when you called him terrific back in december, did you believe that or was that political calculation? >> let me make a point. there's been a distinction i have followed throughout which is i keep the focus on issues and substance. i'm hope to draw a distinction with donald trump on the issues, whether it is economic policy that he doesn't have a policy to bring jobs back to america, whether it is national securihe advocating for a far too weak foreign policy that leaves us
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vulnerable. what i'm not interested in doing is what donald's pattern has been, the personal attacks, it's going to the gutter, it's attacking family members. none of that has any place in politics. we ought to be discussing tax policy, ought to be discussing national security. ought to be discussing substance, not engage -- >> let's do that right now. let's go to our first member of the audience. this is thomas dougherty, a student from bookfield who says he's still making up his mind. you could pick up a vote here. >> hi, thomas. >> hi, senator cruz. my question for you, how and why does your religion play a part in your political decision-making? don't you think it should be more of a moral belief and not something that could interfere with your decision-making when you're making decisions for all religions in the united states? >> well, thomas, thank you for that question. me, many people in america, my faith is an integral part of who i am. i'm a christian. i'm not going to hide that and treat it like it's something you can't admit publicly and
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acknowledge it's an important part of who you are. i also think those in politics have an obligation not to wear their faith on their sleeve. there have been far too many politicians that run around behaving like they're holier than thou, and i'll tell you, my attitude as a voter when some politician stands up and says i'm running because god told me to vote -- to run, my reaction as a voter is, great, when god tells me to vote for you, we'll be on the same page. and so, listen, i'm not asking you to devote for me because of my personal faith with jesus christ. i'm asking you to vote for me because i've spent a lifetime fighting to defend the constitution and bill of rights, fighting to defend the american free enterprise system and we need a leader who will stand up every day and protect the rights of everyone, whether they're christians or jews or muslims or anyone else. the bill of rights protects all americans. it protects atheists. that's the beauty of the bill of rights is that we have the freedom to seek out god, to worship and to live according to our faith and our conscience and
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i think the constitution and bill of rights is a unifying principle that can bring us together across faiths, across races, across ethnicity. and we need to come together behind the unifying principles that built america. >> thank you for your question. [ applause ] i want you to meet -- this is tim matson. his son, jordan, traveled to syria in 2014, fought alongside kurdish forces taking on isis. tim says he is undecided. tim, welcome. >> senator, when jordan left for syria, i was furious with him. i couldn't understand how he could do this. then i followed his steps on the internet and saw the mass murders and beheadings, sometimes of young children and i understood. i know we can't be police of the world but there's lines that have been crossed that no civilized nation should ignore. we have a nation that's often said, never again, but there again, here we are.
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as commander in chief, will you send an overwhelming force with unrestricted use of power to obliterate isis and send a message to those who want to do evil upon the innocence of their faith in they do this? >> thank you for your son, jordan, serving and thank you for his sacrifice. you know, the question of when to commit u.s. armed forces to combat is the most serious decision any president can make. and i believe the decision to use military force should be keyed to the vital national security interest of this country. far too often we've seen in the last seven years where president obama has not focused on our national security interests. so, for example, we saw in libya moammar gadhafi, the dictator there, was a bad man. he had a horrible human rights record. he had been a state sponsor of terrorists. but gadhafi in his latter years actually shaped up his conduct
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pretty dramatically in response to u.s. strength and had become an active participant working with america stopping radical islamic terrorists. tracking them down, apprehending them, handing them over to us. and what president obama and hillary clinton did is they ended up joining with and leading many world forces in toppling gadhafi, ultimately killing gadhafi and the consequence in libya is that country was handed over to radical islamic terrorists. it's become a war zone of battling war lords. >> the question is about u.s. troops, though, u.s. forces on the ground to defeat isis. >> i understand. i'm answering the question, anderson. thank you. that was an enormous mistake. and the reason they made the mistake is they weren't focused on u.s. national security interests. they were in the interest of promoting democracy and toppling a government that ends up handing it over to radical islamic terrorists is a much worse outcome.
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we saw a similar thing in egypt where obama and hillary both cheered the toppling of hosni mubarak, the head of egypt. egypt was handed over to the muslim brother he'd. muhammad morsi. it's a terrorist organization. that was profoundly harmful for u.s. national security interests. thankfully president al sissi is in charge of europe. with regard to syria, assad is a monster. i agree with you. he's a horrible man. he has murdered hundreds of thousands of his own citizens. he's murdered women. he's murdered children. he's used chemical weapons against them. but the problem is, if we simply topple assad, the most likely outcome is that isis takes over syria. and handsiing syria over to isi radical islamic terrorists waging war with us is a mistake. your question of what we should do, our focus, i believe, in syria should not be on toppling assad. our focus should be on utterly and completely destroying isis
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because isis is our enemy and isis declared war on america and pose a direct threat to our national security interests. [ applause ] >> in order to topple isis, would you be -- i mean, his question is sending an overwhelming ground force. would you be willing to send u.s. troops on the ground? not just special forces as is currently being done. >> look, i will do whatever is necessary militarily to defeat isis. now, defeating isis is going to have a lot of components. one of the most important components is overwhelming air power. >> you've talked about carpet bombing and just recently you said "carpet bomb them into oblivion." lieutenant general brown jr. said carpet bombing is not effective for the operation that we're actually executing because we're using precision-guided munitions on a regular basis and, in fact, carpet bombing civilian areas is a violation of the geneva conventions. >> nobody has talked about targeting civilian areas. what i have suggested we should do is use overwhelming air
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power. let's talk some specifics. >> what does carpet bombing mean? >> i'm trying to answer your question, anderson. >> for effect, isis is in many civilian areas. >> let's talk specific facts. the first persian gulf war, a little over 25 years ago, we were launching roughly 1,100 air attacks a day. we were using overwhelming airpower. it's one of the great strengths of the tremendous american military is our air superiority is second to none. right now, today, obama is launching between 15 and 30 air attacks a day. >> but -- >> hold on. let me make my point, sir. if you compare those numbers, we did that for 37 days then our troops went in and in a day and a half mopped up what was left of the iraqi army. it does crushing debilitating damage. 15 to 30 a day is photo op foreign policy. >> i talked to commanders who actually did the air campaign who said, look, it's easy when
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you're trying to take out -- not easy, it's one thing when you take out the military, bomb their complex, bomb factories, bomb their centers of command and control, you can bomb barracks. isis is a completely different kind of enemy. >> you can use all of those tools so you can take out command and control headquarters, take out their communication, you can take out their means of transportation, ingress and egress. you can take out their oil fields. you can take out their oil refining capacity. you can take out their infrastructure. you can target their troops and their troop movements. and we're not doing that right now. overwhelming airpower is the first step, it's not the only step, but overwhelming airpower is the first step. the next step is arming the kurds. the kurds, the peshmerga, fighting forces of the kurds are effective fighters. they're longtime allies of america. they're fighting isis. isis is using u.s. military equipment that they seized in iraq. the kurds are using equipment and the obama administration
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refuses to arm them because of political reasons. that doesn't make sense. we ought to be arming the kurds and let them kill isis and beyond that the question of special forces and ground troops. we should do whatever is necessary to win, but i'll tell you what i won't do is i will not send our troops into combat the way barack obama is doing with rules of engagement so strict that they cannot fight, they cannot win and they cannot defeat the enemy. if we're going to use our troops, we're going to defeat the enemy. [ applause ] >> i want to go to our next questioner. she's shannon o'connell. she works in health care. she's an independent voter. she says she is still undecided. shannon, welcome. >> hi, shannon. >> thank you. my question is more personal in nature. what would you regard as your greatest personal failure and what did you learn from it? >> you know, those are always -- whether in political campaign or a job interview -- those are always tricky questions. you know, any time you go for a job interview, you sit down and you're like, okay, what's your
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greatest weakness? the classic answer people give at a job interview, my greatest weakness is i work too hard, i'm such a disciplined employee, i put my work in front of everything else. look, there are pros and cons to it. what i will say is i'm a pretty driven guy. that has pros and cons. i have always been a very driven guy. i believe passionately in free market principles and the constitution. my whole life, i mean, when i was a teenager, i studied and memorized a shortened version of the constitution and traveled around as part of a non-profit organization in houston speaking about the constitution, speaking about free market principles. and, you know, a lot of that, i think the reason that i'm so driven on this front has to do with my family background. my father was imprisoned and tortured in cuba and when my dad came to america, he had nothing and it really is -- it's an
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amazing thing when you grow up in the house with someone who's fled oppression because i remember when i was a little kid, we'd be watching tv and there was an urgency to politics. it wasn't, oh, that's interesting, couple of candidates. it was having principled men and women in office is how you protect yourself from tyranny. now, i'll confess, growing up in a cuban-american household, you're raised where there are two families -- there are two parties. the republicans and the communists. and anyone who is cuban-american will understand i'm not kidding really with that. now, i was really saddened to see barack obama go and pal around with the castros and pose under a picture. it drove that point home. but as a kid, that gives you an urgency. and so at times, listen, i'm hard charging. that means i've stepped on some toes. that means i've been focused very hard on fighting those fights and maybe i should have
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pulled back in some circumstances. so it is a strength and a weakness. i will say this, i am someone who what you see is what you get. you know what i'm going to do in office. it's what i've done every day. it's what i believe. it's what i've spent my life fighting for. and i think we're at a time where we need a president who we know what he will do and we know that we can trust them to follow through on what they're saying. [ applause ] >> thank you for your question. this is william wake. he's got one of the toughest jobs, i think there is. he's a middle school social studies teacher. he says he's leaning toward voting for you. william? >> senator cruz -- >> follow your instincts. >> right. [ laughter ] >> my students will often ask me, you know, they'll say, have you seen or heard what the candidates are saying? oftentimes it's not about substance. it's about what name we've been
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calmi calling each other. is it a good example to set for our youth of america and should we stay on substance instead of calls each other names? >> thank you for the question and thank you for the difference you make teaching kids and teaching middle school. middle school is obviously a really pivotal age. [ applause ] i worry about that question. what lesson to our kids take watching this? you know, heidi and i, our girls are 5 and 7. and they're watching presidential candidates insulting each other, yelling, cursing, attacking family members. i mean, it's gotten really ugly and just when you don't think it can get any uglier, it gets uglier. i think that has no place in politics, and my view -- i have no ability to control what another candidate does. but what i can control is my approach. i'll tell you the promise that i made to the people who joined our campaign from the beginning,
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the supporters who were with us from the beginning. i said, listen, i can't promise we're going to win, i think we will, but i can promise you two things. one, we're going to work every day with a joyful spirit, we're going to work every day and put everything we have into this campaign. and number two, we're going to do so with integrity. we're not going to go into the gutter. we're not going to attack people personally. we're not going to malign their character. we're going to focus on issues and substance. now in the course of the campaign, there have been a bunch of candidates engaging in personal insults. i've worked very, very hard to stay out of that and say, i'm not going into the gutter. if you attack me personally, i'm not going to respond in kind. now, if you want to talk about your tax plan, i'll compare my tax plan to your tax plan. that should be the bread and butter of politics. and it is my hope that at the end of the day that that is the approach that prevails. i think it's what the people of wisconsin want. i think it's what the people of america want. [ applause ] >> over here we have jason, he's
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a dairy farmer from random lake, wisconsin. he says he's voting for you, senator cruz. >> thank you, jason. >> i am a dairy farmer here in wisconsin and dairy farming in my family goes back to the 1800s when my great-great grandparents started farming with six cows. today we have 2,800 cows. >> wow. >> it's a 24-hour operation. we offer a competitive wage and offer full benefits to all our employees. most farms in the dairy industry cannot find american-born workers to milk the cows and take care of them. the only ones willing to do this hard work are latino immigrants who, if we didn't have them for eight hours, there would be a crisis across the country in our industry. what is the short-term solution to keep our current labor force
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in tact, and what is the long-term solution moving forward? >> right. thank you for sharing your experience as a dairy farmer, and, you know, there are farmers across this country who are really hurting. and farmers are hurting from a lot of things. they're hurting from a federal government whose policies have been making it harder and harder for farmers to survive. they're hurting from an epa who is imposing massive burdens on farms. for example, the waters of the united states rule where the epa has tried to define a puddle or a drainage ditch on your farm to be navigable waters and thus subject to massive environmental regulations. and i think we need a president, we need an administration that takes the burdens off farmers so that it is easier to do your job which is incredibly important. now, when it comes to labor, i understand the need to have labor and that it can be hard to have agricultural labor. you know, i'll tell you, one of the consequences of our immigration system right now,
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when we've got 12 million people who are here illegally, that has an effect of driving down wages for americans across this country. there was a very interesting article, it was about, oh, a month, maybe six weeks ago in "the wall street journal," it was focusing on arizona. you'll recall several years ago arizona put in place really tough laws on illegal immigration and they were criticized loudly for putting no those laws in place. it was interesting this "wall street journal" article because it talked about what happened in the wake of the law. a great many of the illegal immigrants left. they left the state and went elsewhere. and it actually quoted a farmer, and that's the reason i'm bringing up this example, it quoted a farmer, a fellow in arizona who was growing peppers and he complained, said listen, all people we had picking peppers, they left. he said, i didn't know what to do. i didn't know we were going to be able to pick our peppers and what it described that he did is he actually went and invented a new tool to help pick the peppers and then he went down to the local community college and he ended up hiring americans coming out of the community
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college. he had to pay them more, paid them about $15 an hour but he continues picking his peppers except he's doing so in a situation where what has happened in arizona, the public expenditu expenditures have plummeted. arizona is spending hundreds of millions of dollars less on prisons, on education, on hospitals, for those here illegally. that means that's hundreds of millions of dollars available to take care of u.s. citizens and also unemployment has gone down and median wages for americans have gone up in the construction industry, carpenters. we're seeing wages going up, and i think the view -- our immigration laws should benefit american workers. that should be the focus of immigration laws. [ applause ] and so what i intend to do as president, number one, we're going to secure the border. we're going to end illegal immigration. we know how to do it.
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what's missing is the political will to get it done. the difference is i will get it done. beyond that, when it comes to legal immigration, listen, i think on immigration the principles are really simple. legal, good. illegal, bad. it's amazing how many -- how many folks in politics, how many folks in the media have trouble understanding that. i'm reminded, you guys remember former congressman sonny bono from "sonny & cher"? he was asked, what's your view on illegal immigration, he said, well, it's illegal, isn't it? we're going to solve the problem by securing the border and ending illegal immigration. once we do that, that's going to drive up wages for americans across this country and in the agriculture world, i think the first option should be trying to find american workers. now that may mean wages come up. it may mean we have to use more tools. we've seen in arizona that's happened. and beyond that, our legal immigration system, if there are needs in the labor force and
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american workers not available to do it, that's where legal immigration should come in, but it should be in a situation where you're vetting the people rather than just having people come in that we don't know who they are, we don't know their criminal history, we don't know their background. it should be through the legal system targeted in a way that protects american workers. >> we're going to have more with senator cruz in just a moment. we're going to take a short break. also ahead tonight in milwaukee, john kasich and donald trump. more with ted cruz coming up next. allergies with nasal congestion?
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and welcome back. we're here at the riverside theater in downtown milwaukee taking voter questions for senator ted cruz. john kasich, donald trump coming up. more voter questions now for senator cruz. i want to start, though, more than six months ago you pledged to support the republican nominee. when things started getting rough for donald trump you said you were going to stick with that pledge because you'd given your word.
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i saw in an interview with my colleague sunlen serfaty yesterday, you're not in a habit of supporting people who attack your wife and attack your family. do you still stand by the pledge to support whoever the nominee, even if it's donald trump? >> well, anderson, as you mentioned, what i said is true. i'm not in the habit of supporting someone who attacks my wife and attacks my family. i think that is going beyond the line. i think our wives, i think our kids should be off limits. they don't belong in the attacks. [ applause ] and listen, i'm not an easy person to tick off, but when you go after my wife, when you go after my daughters, that does it. and i think -- i want this race to stay focused on policy and issues and solutions to the real problems facing america. that's where i'm going to stay focused. but if other candidates don't, i think that's beyond the pale. >> i have to follow-up, if donald trump is the gop nominee, would you support him?
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>> let me tell you my solution to that. [ laughter ] donald is not going to be the gop nominee. we're doigoing to beat him. [ applause ] >> i would remiss if i didn't follow-up. that's my greatest failing. my greatest failing is sometimes i don't give up. i would assume by you saying you would not support him, the answer is you would not support him if he is the nominee? >> i gave you my answer. listen, i think nominating donald trump would be an absolute train wreck. i think it would hand the general election to hillary clinton. poll after poll after poll shows donald trump losing 10, 11, 12 points or manyore. i don't want to see the white house given over to hillary clinton, i don't want to see us lose the senate, house, lose the supreme court for a generation, lose the bill of rights. i think nominating donald trump is a disaster, so the answer to that is not to scream and yell and cry and attack him, the answer to that is to beat him at
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the ballot box. that's what we're working every day to do. it's what we're campaigning every day here in wisconsin to do. >> this is benjamin miller, a student at university of wisconsin. he says he's voting for you next week. benjam benjamin, welcome. >> good evening, senator. both paris and now brussels have suffered blindside attacks by islamic terrorists. although i fear a terrorist attack on the united states, i have a greater fear of the government taking away my constitutional freedoms and privacy in the name of security. >> yes. >> as president, how will you ensure that america is not blindly attacked while also maintaining the privacy of the american people? >> well, benjamin, thank you for that question, and it's a very important question. you know, there are some in politics who say it's an either/or choice. we can either protect america or protect our civil liberties. i don't accept that choice. i think it is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. i think it is possible -- and the difference -- something the obama administration is not very good at, they're not very good
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at distinguishing between bad guys and good guys. so over and over again, the obama administration's solution, for example, when it comes to surveillance, was to monitor the phone calls or the e-mails of millions of law-abiding citizens, but because of their political correctness, because they won't focus on and identify radical islamic terrorists, they don't actually target the bad guys. it's why it's so important -- you know, it's interesting, benjamin, people in the media, sometimes they ask, why does it matter whether obama will say the words "radical islamic terrorism"? it matters because if you don't identify the problem, you don't devote, you don't direct law enforcement and national security resources to stopping it. i'll give a specific example. my home state of florida, ft. hood, nadal hassan committed a horrific terrorist attack there. now, the obama administration knew before the attack that nadal hassan communicated with
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anwar al awlaki. a known cleric. he asked about the per misblt of waging jihad and murdering fellow soldiers. political correctness, or what have you, they didn't do anything. if we find out that a member of the armed services is talking with a radical islamic cleric and asking about waging jihad against his fellow soldiers, within minutes, mps should show up at his door and put him in handcuffs. [ applause ] but they didn't do that and nadal hassan murdered 14 innocent souls including an unborn child yelling alluhah ing a akbar. obama administration defined that as workplace violence. we need to direct our resources at going after the nadal ha
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hassans, going after the radical terrorists and do that at the same time not infringing the law-abiding americans, distinguishing between the bad guys and good guys. that's what this administration hadn't been doing. >> thank few wroyou for your qu. this is victoria. she's also voting for you next week. >> hi, senator cruz. >> hi, victoria. >> women are more than 40% of the voting electorate. what have you done and what are you going to do to convince and persuade women to vote for you? >> well, victoria, thank you for that question, and you're absolutely right. you know, i will say one of the things i've really been blessed in my life is that i have grown up surrounded by strong women. my mom is someone who i admire immen immensely. my mom is irish-italian. she grew up in wilmington, delaware. she grew up in a working-class family. her mom was the second youngest of 17 kids, and my mom became the first person in her family
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ever to go to college. and that was not easy for her because my grandfather, her dad, he was not an easy man. he was a drunk and he didn't think women should be educated. and so my mom stood up to her father. she today up to him, confronted him and she ended up going, she majored in math in 1956 and she got hired at shell as a computer programmer. now, you want to talk about two industries, computer science and oil and gas, neither one of which were welcoming to women, and my mom was at the intersection of them both. and i remember my mom used to tell me a lot when i was a kid, she said, she very deliberately didn't learn how to type. she said, look, it was the 1950s, i understood the world i was living in. she didn't want to be walking down the hall and have some man stop her and say, sweetheart, would you type this for me?
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she wanted to be able to respond with a clean conscience and smile and say, i would love to help you out, but i don't know how to type. i guess you're going to have to use me as a computer programmer instead. and whether it's my mom, who was a pioneer computer programmer, she's 81 now. she's been a best friend to me why whole life. amazing grandmother to my little girls. whether it's my wife, heidi, christian missionary, she lived in africa as a kid several times. she's someone who has been an incredible businesswoman. she's strong. listen, when you're married to a strong woman professional, you see the nonsense that women deal with in the business environment. you see the garbage they put up with. and it makes you mad. i've been blessed my whole life to be surrounded by strong women. i think women right now are
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particularly concerned about the direction of this country. are particularly concerned about what kind of future our kids are going to have. what kind of country we're giving to the next generation. i think women quite rightly are very concerned about safety and security and a president that's not protecting us from terrorists. and i believe what protects women, you know, the democrats love to put everyone in a little pigeon hole and so this is a women's issue, this is a hispanic issue, this is an african-american issue. listen, i believe every issue is a women's issue and the focus of my campaign is on three things. it's on jobs, freedom, and security. bringing back the opportunity, raising wages, bringing jobs back to america. i think that is resonating powerfully with women and fighting to protect the bill of rights and equal opportunity for women and men and everyone, and i'll tell you, there's no one i fight harder for than our two little girls, caroline and catherine, who are the loves of
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my life and who can do anything and i want to make sure they have a world they can live in where they have the opportunity to do anything. >> senator, thank you very much. i'm going to try to get time for two more questions. i want you to meet marv, she's from stevens point. he says at this point he's undecided. marv, welcome. >> thank you both. my son, jason, was a former marine killed by overprescription of medication while an in-patient at the v.a. facility in tomo, wisconsin. every day you see stories and news about people all over wisconsin, people from rural areas, big cities and small towns addicted to opioids and heroin. stronger opiate prescribing guidelines for v.a. providers. will you support this bipartisan legislation and do you support requiring strong eer opiate prescribing guidelines not only
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for the v.a. but doctors across this country? >> well, marv, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for your son's service and his sacrifice. i'm sorry that you lost your son. [ applause ] this is a tragedy we're seeing across the country. we're seeing veterans coming back struggling with ptsd. struggling to get their health care needs treated. treated properly. we're seeing a v.a. that is dysfunction dysfunctional. a v.a. that is lying. one of the things we need is we need real accountability in the v.a. i give you my word, if i am president, there will be accountability in the v.a. those that have lied, those that have wrongfully denied care, they will be terminated. if they broke the law, they will be prosecuted. we also need reform in the v.a. so that veterans have the power to choose their own doctors.
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whether they want to choose the v.a. or a private doctor, there's no reason your son, jason, couldn't have gone to the doctor down the street. [ applause ] now, i agree with you, we need greater scrutiny, greater involvement preventing opioid abuse. you look at the prevalence of heroin and i would note this is a tragedy, roughly 50,000 people a year die of drug overdoses. more people in america die of drug overdoses than die in car crashes. and marv, i'm sorry to say, you and i are both members of a horrible club because i lost my sister, miriam, to a drug overdose so i've seen first han and it started when she was in a car accident and she got prescribed painkillers. she kept on taking the painkillers and kept on taking stronger.
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miriam lived a difficult and troubled life. she made a lot of very poor decisions. then just a few years ago, she took too many pills one night and her son came in and found her dead. this is an epidemic that is destroying families. across america. i'm sorry for your family's loss. i'm sorry, my nephew, joey, her son, someone i'm really proud of. he's endured his mom's difficult journey and he's working a good job, he's a responsible, he's a terrific young man. but we need a federal government that focuses on stopping this drug abuse, whether it is prescription drug abuse or whether it is illegal narcotics like heroin, and one of the most important ways to stop that, you know, unfortunately my sister, miriam, ended up going down that path, going down the path of crack cocaine and drugs that destroyed her life. one of the ways to prevent that is we need to secure the border. we need to get serious about stopping the incredible flow
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from mexican drug cartels that are poisoning our kids. you have my commitment as president, i'm not going to talk empty promises but we are going to devote the full resources of the federal government to finally, finally, finally secures the border, stopping illegal immigration, stopping the deluge of drugs that is coming into this country and destroying the lives of people all across this country. [ applause ] >> this is tim omer. he says he is leaning in your favor. tim, welcome. >> hey, tim. >> welcome to wisconsin, senator. >> thank you. >> as a growing company, our biggest challenge is finding talented and qualified people to fill all the positions that we have open in our company. as president of the united states, what could you do to help us find those talented people, find those quality people, build up the pool of people so that we can fill those
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positions and continue to grow our business? >> tim, tell me what kind of company you have. >> we're wisconsin cheese. >> wisconsin cheese, fabulous. [ applause ] i will confess something, and as my wife, heidi, is my witness, my favorite food in all the world is cheese. and i am not says that to pander in wisconsin. but if you wouldn't point it out here, where would you point it out? listen, it is a huge problem we see of a need for a trained workforce and a need for a workforce that's prepared and wants to work. you know, as i meet with small businessowners all across the country, i hear those concerns over and over and over again that it's hard to get people who are qualified and who want to work and are prepared to work and that's a real challenge. and, you know, the key to jobs and job creation is small businesses, is doing what you do. how many employees do you guys have? >> about 300. >> about 300. i mean, that's where job
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creation comes from. it comes from small businesses. 2/3 of all new jobs come from small businesses. now, in terms of getting new and able worker, we need to do several things. number one, we need to trreform epgs. the step to having well trained workers is a strong education program. if you look at education right now, number one, i think the federal government needs to get the heck out of it. [ applause ] it's one of the reasons i promised on the very first day in office that i'm going to direct the department of education that common core ends that day. [ applause ] and i think what we ought to be doing is abolishing the federal department of education and block granting that money to send it back to wisconsin. i think the people of wisconsin know much better what to do with that money. and part of that money, i think, should be directed at school choice programs.
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allowing people who are trapped in failing schools to have the option of going to private schools. going to parochial schools. injecting competition in failing schools to empower parents and empower students. i think school choice is the civil rights issue of the 20th century. [ applause ] and part of that money as well in wisconsin ought to be directed to vocational training, ought to be directed to different nontraditional ways where people can earn skills, whether it's distance learning, whether it is using the internet, using options where your only option isn't spending $50,000 a year at a 4-year college but expanding the options for people to get education. i think that is a critical piece to improving the environment, and another critical piece is changing our welfare program. you know, our welfare program right now traps people in dependency. now, my view on welfare is the social safety net, it should be a trampoline and not a hammock.
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that the whole purpose of the social safety net should be to get you back on your feet. everyone falls on hard times, but you're not helping someone trapping them in dependence. i tell you, i visited with a fellow who owns a cookie factory. tell you, between cookies and cheese, you really have a great party right there. he owns a cookie factory. he talked to me about where in the 1990s when congress passed welfare reform, congress put in place a strong work requirement for welfare and you recall the liberals in the media were saying, you're going to throw people on the street, people are going to be starving, it's going to be terrible. it's one of the most successful public policy reforms we've ever seen. millions of people left welfare and got jobs. the fell employow who owns the factory, suddenly they had people lining up to work. they weren't getting paid in perpetuity to stay at home and watch "gilligan's island." they had to go get a job. you know what, if you help someone get a job, ultimately that is giving them the dignity of work.
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i believe every american wants to have that dignity. to provide for their families. >> we got to wrap it up. i want to thank senator cruz very much for being with us. thank you, senator. we when come back, donald trump as our town hall continues here in downtown milwaukee. thank you.
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and welcome back. we're coming to you tonight from the riverside theater in
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downtown milwaukee. with the "360" town hall. the three remaining republican candidates campaigning hard with the primary here just a week away. we heard so far from senator ted cruz. right now the gop front-runner, new york businessman, donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> hey, how you doing, sir? nice to see you. >> thank you very much. >> have a seat. >> thank you. >> so we got a lot of questions from the audience for you on a lot of policy issues. i got to start off with some news of the day topics. your campaign manager, corey lewandowski charged with simple battery for grabbing a reporter by the arm. will he continue as your campaign manager? >> yes, he will. i looked at the tape. my tape. it was at one of my places. i have great security and great security camera. i gave the tape, and frankly, if you look at that, people have looked at it, in fact, i just left another area of wisconsin, we had a whole big meeting with
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a whole group of people. big audience. tremendous audience. and they're all shaking their heads, give me a break, give me a break. >> let me ask you, though -- >> the answer is yes. by the way, speaking of something else, i watched ted cruz. his home state is not florida. his home state is texas. it may be canada. but to the best of my knowledge, it's texas. so he made that -- i was surprised you didn't correct him, actually. >> let me ask you about lewandowski. initially your campaign said this never happened, there was no video of it. you came out and said you thought this person was, perhaps, making it up, this reporter. lewandowski, himself, tweeted saying "i never met this reporter, i never touched this person." now the videotape shows he clearly did touch this person. whether or not you think it was battery or not -- >> touch, i don't know what touch means. >> he says i didn't touch this person. did he mislead you at all? >> no, not at all. look, i didn't know we had all these security cameras all over. the time i found out, i said, well, this is really wonderful, this exonerates him totally.
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now -- >> lie or make a mistake? >> something to the effect she almost went to the ground. she was in pain. she went to the ground. when she found out that there was a security camera, and that they had her on tape, all of a sudden that story changed. >> that's not true. he said her story has remained exactly the same. >> really? do you mind if i read you her statement? i mean, give me a break. you know, the problem is everybody dumps people when there's, like, a sign of political incorrectness. i'm just going to read, if i can find it -- >> she said she was almost knocked off balance. >> she said she was almost knocked off balance. here's what she said. you want to read it? you want me to do it? you're a professional announcement. why don't you read it. the bottom part. now that's an exact quote from her prior to seeing the cameras and now she says i better change my story, i guess. >> this quote says "i was jolted backwards, someone grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. i almost knell fell to the grous unable to maintain my balance nonetheless. i was shaken. campaign managers aren't
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supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground." no, she did not go down on the ground. >> look, before she knows -- folks, look, i'm a loyal person. i'm going to be loyal to the country, i'm going to be loyal to wisconsin. we have to tell it like it is. it would be so easy for me to terminate this man, ruin his life, ruin his family, four beautiful children in new hampshire, ruin his whole everything and said you're fired. okay? i fired many people, especially on "the apraprenticapprentice." look at what she says, michelle fields, by the way, is not a baby. in her own worlds, exactly "i was jolted backwards." she's standing there. someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm. tightly. and yanked me down." she wasn't yanked down. she didn't have an expression. if somebody in this audience gets whacked, gets hurt, including me, you get hurt. there's no emotion. wait a minute. "i almost fell to the ground." she didn't almost fall to the ground. he got in her way. by the way, she was grabbing me. am i supposed to press charges
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against her? anderson, my arm is just killing me. it's never been the same. >> you suggested you might -- >> excuse me, excuse me. i didn't suggest. >> yeah, you did. >> i tweeted. no, no, i tweeted. >> a tweet is a suggestion. >> should i press charges? >> are you going to? >> i don't know. maybe i should, right? because you know what, she was grabbing me. and just so you understand, she was off base because she went through the secret service. she had a pen in her hand which secret service is not liking because they don't know what it is, whether it's a little bomb or -- >> does that concern you initially corey lewandowski said he never touched her and turns out not to be true? >> i don't think he knew her. based on what i heard, i don't think he knew who she was. listen to this, "i almost fell to the ground" which is untrue "but was able to maintain my balance." she had no trouble with her balance because it's right on tape. "nonetheless, i was shaken. campaign managers aren't supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground." she didn't go to the ground. she didn't even have an
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expression on her face. >> you think this is politically motivated? >> it could be. i don't know. i look -- i tell you what, a friend of mine who's in law enforcement said to me, there's probably not a detective in the world that would have done what they did to him. i mean, people in syria -- >> the state attorney's a democrat. >> excuse me, excuse me. oh, really? i'm shocked to hear that. you know, you know, people are chopping off heads in the middle east. they're drowning people in cages by 50s. they're drowning -- here's a guy -- shouldn't have been touching me. okay? and you saw that she did that. she was grabbing me. twice. i looked at her. in fact, one of the great pictures is me going like this like get away from me, who is this person? okay? my arm, it's never been the same, folks. never been the same. so let me just tell you, she went through secret service, boom, she grabbed me and he really stepped in front of her. i didn't -- he stepped in front of her. she wasn't supposed to be asking questions because the press conference lasted for 45 minutes
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and all questions were done and i was walking rapidly out. >> second time lewandowski has touched somebody. he did this to a protester, grabbed a guy by the collar. which you actually back up on.
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another tweet you sent, you sent a tweet about the death toll, the horrible terror attack in pakistan over the weekend. >> right. >> you talked an the death toll. you said i alone can solve. >> i know my competition. look, i know my competition. >> you, alone, among the republican candidates. >> i see hillary with benghazi, the famous ad, 3:00 in the morning, guess what, the phone rang, she wasn't there. unless sydney called. >> you're the only one who can solve terror problems in pakistan? >> of the ones who are running, i know the competition. i watched ted cruz. so phony. i know you have couple people out there because he put them in the audience. it's so false. the whole thing -- with the five -- with the five-second intermissions between sentences. no. yes, i think i am the one to be able to solve the problem.
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>> but, i mean, there's problems in a lot of different countries. the problems in the united states. how can you solve the problems all the way over in pakistan when the pakistanis, themselves, are struggling? >> look, pakistan is a very, very vital problem and really vital country for us because they have a thing called nuclear weapons. they have to get ahold of the situation. when i see that and see it put in a park because it was mostly christians, although many others were killed other than christians, i think it's just absolutely a horrible story. but i'm talking about radical islamic terrorism. i will solve it far better than anybody else running. >> let's talk about nuclear issues because you talked about this in a really interesting article. >> one of the very, very big issues. i think maybe the biggest issue of our time. >> that's what you said to "the new york times." you said you worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons. >> right. >> the most. you also said, though, you might support japan and south korea developing nuclear weapons of their own. isn't that completely contradictory? >> not at all. north korea has nuclear weapons.
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he doesn't have a carry yet but has nuclear weapons. he soon will have. we don't want to pull the trigger. we have a president, frankly, nobody is afraid of our president. nobody respects our president. you take a look at what's going on throughout the world. it's not the country that it was. >> if you're concerned about proliferation, letting other countries get nuclear weapons, isn't that -- >> we owe $19 trillion, we have another $2 trillion because of the very, very bad omnibus budget that was just signed. it's a disgrace. which gives everything that obama wanted. we get nothing. they get everything. so that's going to be $21 trillion. we are supporting nations now, militarily, we are supporting nations like saudi arabia which was making during the good oil days which was a year ago, now they're making less but still a lot. $1 billion a day. we are supporting them, milit y militarily and pay us a fraction, a fraction of what they should be paying us and of the cost. we are supporting isjapan. most people didn't know we're taking care of japan's military
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needs. excuse me, we're supporting germany. we're supporting south korea. i ordered thousands of television sets because i am in the real estate business, you know, in my other life, okay. >> it's been a u.s. policy for decades to prevent japan from getting weapons. south korea as well. >> can i be honest are you? maybe it's going to be time to change. pakistan has it, china has it. so many other countries -- >> some proliferation is okay? >> no, no, not some. i hate proliferation. i hate nuclear more than any. my professor was an uncle m.i.t. -- >> that's contradictory. >> how many countries have it? excuse me. one of the dumbest deals i've ever seen signed ever, ever, ever by anybody. iran is going to have it within ten years. iran is going to have it. i thought it was a very good interview. at some point we have to say japan is better off if they protect themselves against this maniac in south korea, if --
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>> saudi arabia, nuclear weapons? >> absolutely. >> you'd be fine with them having nuclear weapons? >> that have to protect themselves or pay us. with japan, they have to pay us or let them protect themselveses >> you'd said, japan, yes, it's fine, you get nuclear weapons, you as well, saudi arabia says we want them, too. >> can i be honest with you? it's going to happen, anyway. it's only a question of time. they're going to start having them or we have to get rid of them entirely. so many countries already, china, pakistan, so many countries, russia, so many countries right now that have them. now, wouldn't you rather in a certain sense have japan have nuclear weapons when north korea has nuclear weapons? and they do have them. they absolutely have them. they can't -- they have no carrier system yet but they will very soon. wouldn't you rather have japan, perhaps, they're over there, they're very close, very fearful of north korea and we're supposed to protect. >> you're saying you don't want more nuclear weapons in the world but you're okay with japan and south korea having nuclear weapons. >> when i hear obama get up and
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say the biggest threat to the world today is global warming, i say is this guy kidding? the only global warming -- the only global warming i'm worried about is nuclear global warming because that's the single biggest threat. it's not that i'm a -- we can't ain order it anymore. we're sitting on a tremendous bubble. again, $21 trillion. >> do you have concerns about japan or south korea getting nuclear weapons? >> when you see the money our country is spending on military, we're not spending it on ourselves, we're protecting these nations all over the world. we afford to do it anymore. not big enough to bankrupt and destroy the united states. that's what's happening. we can't afford it. it's very simple. i would rather see japan having some form of defense and maybe even offense against north korea. because we're not pulling the trigger. the bottom line on north korea, china, if they wanted to, they're a tremendous supplier of north korea, have tremendous
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power over north korea. if they wanted to, if they weren't toying with us, anderson, china could make a deal in one day -- >> i want to bring a last question before we do, i want to ask you about the back and forth between you and senator cruz about wives. after saying you were going to spill the beans about heidi cruz, you retweeted an unflattering picture of her next to a picture of your wife. >> i thought it was a nice picture of heidi. i thought it was fine. she's a pretty woman. >> you're running for president of the united states. >> excuse me, i didn't start it. >> sir, with all due respect, that's the argument of a 5-year-old. >> no, it's not. >> the argument of a 5-year-old is he started. >> you would say that. that's the problem with our country. >> every parent knows a kid who says he started it. >> no, no. that's the problem. exactly that thinking is the problem this country has. i did not start this. he sent out a picture and he knew very well -- >> he didn't send out a picture. it was an ainnti-trump superpac sent it out. >> a cover story taken by one of
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the great photographers of the world, my wife was a very, very successful model, like one of the most. it was a picture for the cover of "gq" which is a very good magazine. >> this wasn't even a pro -- >> they were romney people. romney is embarrassed he did so badly years ago. >> do you have proof he sent it out? >> everybody knows he sent it out. he knew the people in the superpac. he knew -- i would be willing to bet he wrote the phrase. you know, this is -- would you like to have this as your first lady? a lot of people said, yes, actually, if you want to know the truth. but she was a magnificent model. she took a picture with one of the great photographers of the world. put it on "gq." all of a sudden we see this picture going all over utah before the election. by the way, he said we had a big day, we won utah. excuse me, i won arizona with far more delegates and as you probably saw, 25 minutes ago, so maybe you didn't see it, the vote was just counted in
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missouri and i won missouri, too. >> congratulations. >> another 12 or 13 delegates. >> your wife is lovely, she's very intelligent. heidi cruz, i haven't interviewed her, she seems like a very intelligent, very accomplished person as well. can you just leave wives out of this? >> absolutely. i'd like to do it. >> but why retweet -- >> i would love to do it. i really would rather talk about nuclear proliferation. >> you act as if -- >> let me just tell you something. i would love to do it. i didn't send the photo to everybody in the state of utah. he did. he knew about it. it was his people, his friends. >> do you have to retweet some random person sending you -- >> i don't let things go so easy. let me tell you something. i don't let the -- if i were running the country, i wouldn't have people taking advantage of the united states in trade and in offer oaevery other way, eit. believe me, i wouldn't have china walking away with trade deficits of $505 billion a year. i wouldn't have mexico laughing
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at us how stupid we are with trade deals and at the border. i wouldn't let japan get away what they're doing with, you know, devaluation of the yen. china big league deevaluativade >> can you say no more such about wives? >> it's ridiculous. >> let's go to the audience. i want you to meet retire lieutenant brian murphy, first officer to report to the siekh temple in oak creek. his officer is standing next to him. sam lenda. [ applause ] . >> great. >> his fellow officer is standing next to him, sam, took out the shooter that day, is also with us. we want to just first of all take a moment to thank both of them for their service and their actions. [ applause ]
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brian has a question for you tonight. he likes governor kasich but he's still undecided. brian? >> good evening, mr. trump. i have a question. in light of the brussels and paris attacks a knee-jerk reaction is a backlash against specific minority religious groups. this in turn brings about things that cause damage all over. in milwaukee, you heard about the sikh temple shooting. six people were killed. 99% of the men in the united states who wear turbans are actually sikh and not muslim. how would you suggest we help educate the public and not alienate these groups and at the same time, how do we protect the constitutional rights of minority groups like the muslim, sikh, hindu, and jews while still addressing radical islamization? >> thank you for the question. we have a tremendous problem with radical islam whether we
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like it or don't. we have a president who won't talk about it. ted was saying the same thing. we have a president who won't talk about it. why he won't talk about it, perhaps only he knows. it's a disgrace what's going on. we have a serious, serious problem and when i called for a temporary ban, i thought that was a very bad thing for me to do politically, but i felt i should do it. i didn't know i would go up in the poll as opposed to down. i really felt there had to be something done. that was after the horrible san bernardino, california, situation. after obviously paris which was ter te terrible. we talk about paris with the gun-free zone and gun laws. nobody had guns except the bad guys. if we would have had guns on the other side in terms of 2nd amendment, same thing with san bernardino, if bullets were going in the opposite direction, you wouldn't have had the problems you had in those two clas places i can tell you. we have to cherish our 2nd amendment. very, very important.
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i can say this, when i called for the temporary banning, you have to look at it, we have a very, very serious problem with radical islam and if we don't want to discuss it and if we don't want to look at it, we're never going to solve the problem. we have to be extremely strong with isis. we have to wipe isis off the face of the earth so fast and so violently, we have no choice. we have no choice. and i was against the war in iraq. okay? i am not a fast trigger. i'm exactly the opposite of that. we should have never gone in. it destabilized the middle east. i tell you this, we got out. obama got us out very badly. instead of leaving some troops, instead of giving a date, the exact time. i would say this, though. we have no choice but to look at that. we have to be very, very vigilant, very smart and frankly, brian, we have to be very, very tough. because it's only going to get worse. thousands of people are being allowed into this country over short periods of time coming supposedly from syria. we have no idea who they are,
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have no idea where is their paperwork. they have no paperwork, they have no identification. they're coming into this country and it's going to be a big, big problem. >> the other, though, part of lieutenant murphy's question was about protecting the rights of minority groups, of muslims, of sikhs, jews, others inside the united states. >> i want to do that also. at the same time we have to recognize we have a serious problem. >> let me follow-up on that. you said you agreed the other day, i think you said you agreed with senator ted cruz's proposal in the wake of the brussels attacks that law enforcement should, i quote, "patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized." bill bratton, commissioner, cheap of police -- >> i like very much. >> in your home city. chief of police under giuliani as well as de blasio, again, also out in l.a. he said about ted cruz's proposal, "we do not patrol and secure neighborhoods based on selective enforcement because of race or religion." is he wrong? >> i think we have to be
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extremely individual lavigilant areas and look seriously at the among mosques. look at what's going on in paris where mosques are being closed, okay, and have to look very, very seriously. >> a lot of muslims in america hear that, you saying we have to look seriously at the mosque and get worried. >> in san bernardino, people knew what was going on. these two people -- he probably became radicalized through her. who knows. frankly right now it doesn't matter. these two people killed their co-workers, et cetera, et cetera, in their apartment, house, the place they lived. they had bombs all over the apartment. >> do you trust -- >> excuse me. they had bombs on the floor. many people saw this. many, many people. muslims living with them in the same area. they saw that house. they saw that. one didn't want to turn -- he said i don't want to turn him in because i don't want to be accused of racial profiling. he saw bombs all over the apartment, okay? it's just an excuse. >> do you trust muslims in america? >> do i what? >> trust muslims in america. >> many of them i do. many of them i do. some i guess we don't.
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some i guess we don't. we have a problem. and we can try and be very politically correct and pretend we don't have a problem, but anderson, we have a major, major problem. this is in a sense this is a war. >> special patrols in muslim neighborhoods? >> excuse me. nobody wants to call it a war. there's a war. there's a war. the difference is, it's not like you're fighting germany or japan, they have a uniform, we have a uniform, everybody has a different uniform. we don't know where these people are. >> i want you to meet jeff johns, a financial consultant. he said he is on the trump train as of this point. >> i like him. i like him very much. >> i knew you would. >> thank you for coming to the great city of milwaukee. >> thank you, jeff. >> mr. trump, you have a high net worth in the billions of dollars but many people don't think that you're a successful businessman. they refer to your inherited wealth and how it's just a track that pays the average market index. mr. trump, what do you say to those people that do not think that you're a successful businessman? >> i love the question because
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it's such a lie. i started off in brooklyn. my father was a builder in brooklyn. brooklyn had not a lot of value. brooklyn was not a great place to be. i always wanted to go into manhattan. my father, my first deal, my first loan was $1 million from my father which was a loan, i had to pay him back. i did numerous deals in manhattan. my father said don't go into manhattan, it's not our territory, we can't do that, it's not for us. i started off with a very, very small amount of money. by the way, when my father passed away, remember, i have four, a total of five in my family. we have brothers, sisters, split. when my father died, by that time i had already built a great fortune and my father didn't leave a great fortune. it was brooklyn and queens real estate and it wasn't a great fortune. now what they do is they build it up like, oh, he left -- i started off -- you understand, you know the true answer because you're somebody who understands me and understand where it started. i started off with $1 million and now i'm worth over $10 billion. and i filed my papers with the
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election committees, with the federal election, and people in your world, in your profession, are down there, or have been down there all the time and they can't believe how great those papers are. very little debt. some of the greatest assets in the world. some of the greatest assets in the world. and very importantly, tremendous cash flow and i don't say that in a bragging way. i say that because that's the kind of thinking that our country needs. i want to say this, before my father died, he said, everything donald touches turns to gold. it's absolutely -- he was so proud of me but i borrowed very little money from my father. what i did borrow and the thing that really helped me with my father was his knowledge. he was an excellent negotiator, excellent builder. he built in brooklyn and queens, there wasn't that much money in brooklyn and queens. >> a lot of other candidates have released tax returns. you say you won't release them because you're being audited. some people doubt you're being audited -- >> would you like a letter? i'll give it to you. >> can you? >> sure. absolutely. >> people have raised that as a
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doubt. >> only a fool would give a tax return -- >> you can offer evidence you're being audited? >> i'll give you a letter from the biggest firm in washington that does my work for me. >> all right. >> okay? sure. >> i want you to meet roberts. he's retired from the u.s. army after serving in iraq and afghanistan. he's now a student at marquette university. [ applause ] robert? >> good evening, mr. trump. in your opinion, what are the top three functions of the united states government? >> say it again? >> in your opinion, what are the top three functions of the united states government? >> well, the greatest function of all by far is security for our nation. i would also say health care, i would also said education. there are many, many things, but i would say the top three are security, security, security. we have to have security for our country so we can continue to exist as a country. we are in danger. thousands and thousands of
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people are infiltrating our country. we don't know who they are. there's a very vicious world. we're living in a very vicious world and we're doing something that is against a lot of very smart people's wishes. i can fell you, it's totally against my wishes. >> top three, security. >> security. i say all top three are security, but health care, education, would be probably three that would be top. and then you can go on from there. but the military and the secure country, so we have a country. believe me, we've never been in a position, in my opinion, where our country is so vulnerable. our military is being eaten away. when general odierno left recently, a year ago, i was watching him on maybe your show, one of the shows and he said that the united states army, the united states military forces, have never been so -- and i think he used the word depleted. basically he said they're exhausted. >> just to follow-up, though -- >> that's a pretty -- that's a pretty sad commentary.
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and honestly, even though he was retiring at the time and i had a lot of respect for him, good man, but even though he was leaving at the time, people shouldn't say that because you're giving the enemy ideas. but if i get in, our military will be bigger, better, stronger than ever before. it's the cheapest thing we can do. >> so in terms of federal government role, you're saying security, but you also say health care and education should be provided by the federal government? >> those are two of the things. yeah, sure. there are obviously many things, housing, providing great neighborhoods -- >> aren't you against the federal government's involvement in education? don't you want it to devolve to states? >> i want it to go to state. absolutely. >> that's not part of what the federal government's -- >> the federal government, but the concept of the country is the concept that we have to have education within the country and have to get rid of common core and it should be brought to the state level. >> and federal health care run by the federal government? >> health care. we need health care for our people. we need a good -- obamacare is a
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disaster. >> is that something the federal government should be doing? >> the government can lead it but it should be privately done. it should be privately done so that health care, in my opinion, we should probably have -- we have to have private health care. we don't have competition in health care. the problem that we have in our country is we don't have competition. it's made because the politicians -- by the way, i'm self-funding. i am self-funding. so the health care companies aren't taking care of me. but they're taking care of everyone else. wait one second. we don't have -- we don't have bidding. we don't have competition in health care. and it's a disaster. obamacare, if you take a look at your premiums, going up 35%, 45%, 55% and the deductibles are so high, you'll never get to use it. >> you always say you're self-funding. how much do you think your campaign has cost -- in the past you said $25 million. >> i can tell you, i'd say i'm in right now for -- now, i'm in for about $35 million right now. >> okay. >> we take the small loans, the people that send $17.50, or
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$250, even $1,000 -- >> you solicit those on your website. >> no, i sell hats and shirts -- >> you do solicit donations on your website. >> i don't think so. >> yeah, you do. you have two spots. >> it's peanuts. >> it's not peanuts. >> i'm in for -- >> a third of your campaign sp funded by other people. >> whatever the hats are, they cost something. >> you raised $7 million last time i checked from individual donations. >> i'm not soliciting money from insurance companies and lumber companies and from banks and from -- if i did, i would have made jeb bush look like a baby. i have turned down more $10 million offers. just the other night, i'm in florida, and a very, very rich friend of mine comes up, donald, i'd like to give you $10 million, i'll give you anything -- >> you've actually been loaning your campaign a lot of money. are you going to have your campaign pay you back? >> i doubt it. it seems to be the way -- >> that's a possibility? >> can i be honest?
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never even thought about it. just seems to me the way the lawyers set it up. i am in right now, i put in my money about $35 million. i think in terms of small donations, i think we've received $6 million. up until this point. >> i think i saw $7 million. >> excuse me. a lot of that is the selling of merchandise and things like that. there's no influence over me. it's not like the banks are giving me money and i'm going to do favors for the banks. ted cruz, the banks are giving him a lot of money, i'm aoil an are giving him a lot of money. superpacs are a disaster. if they're not gotten rid of, it's going to get worse. >> i want to introduce you to amelia roll at university of wisconsin. the first choice is senator cruz, you're her second pick. here's your chance to win her over. amelia? >> mr. trump, thank you so much for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> mr. trump, in a recent interview with the "washington post," you said the u.s. should become a diminishing presence in
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nato. >> absolutely. >> why do you think the u.s. should start to withdraw their world presence from nate doe, what would you change about the organization so we could remain involved? >> i did two interviews recently, "the new york times" which treated me unbelievably fairly. there was a front page story on sunday i think. it was a great story. part of it was -- the other was the "washington post." >> you talked to them longer than any other candidate. >> david, he's a very talented writer. they treated me fairly. the "washington post," i said similar things and similar things about nato. let me tell you, nato is obsolete. it was 67 years or it's over 60 years old. it is -- many countries, doesn't cover terrorism. okay? it covers the soviet union which is no longer in existence. and nato has to either be rejiggered, changed for the better. i'm not saying -- the other thing that's bad about nato, we're paying too much.
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we're spending a tremendous, billions and billions of dollars on nato. >> you're saying it's obsolete, though. you have now vladimir putin inva invading, annexing part of ukraine. annexing crimea. >> let me tell you about ukraine. first of all -- >> there a lot of people believe nato -- >> you have countries that surround ukraine. they don't talk. they don't seem to have a problem. i'm not saying go in. i say yaw can be very strong, strong without being -- the money we spend is astronomical on nato. okay. ukraine -- >> you really think nato is obsolete? >> i think it's largely obsolete, yeah. it's got to be changed. you don't talk about terror. our single biggest threat right now is terror, okay? now that's an amorphous term but it's terror. our single biggest threat -- >> you'd like to see an organization revamped -- >> now if you do that, you're going to have to obviously add different nations in because you have nations that aren't in nato that are very much into the world of terror. both in terms of causing it and receiving it. so you probably have to either
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start something or you have to do something. when you look at brussels, hey, look, you remember a couple of months ago, i made a statement about brussels. i said it's a hell hole. that's because it's a financial, very big financial capital. many of my friends are there. they know exactly what's going on. i haven't been there in many years. i was there. it was a beautiful city. now it's not good. and i said it was a he erks lrk lrll hole. "the new york times" attacked me rather viciously for calling a place a hell hole. two months later we had the attack and it turned out i was right. it's a hell hole. on twitter, all over the place they're saying trump was right, trump was right. i understand this stuff. i mean, i really do understand this stuff. nato is obsolete. now, that doesn't mean it can't be rejiggered and it can't be fixed and made good or -- >> for you -- >> it's possible -- >> a financial component when you talk about -- >> you have countries in nato, i think it's 28 countries, countries in nato are getting a free ride and it's unfair, it's very unfair. the united states cannot afford
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to be the policemen of the world anymore, folks. we have to rebuild our own country. we have to stop with this stuff. you have as an example, ukraine, you don't have germany talking about ukraine. you don't have many of the countries in nato talking about -- it's always us. we're always the first one out. we have very big problems in our country. very, very big problems. nato has to be either changed or we have to do something. and we shouldn't be paying most of the course of nate toe becau. it's unfair to our taxpayers and people. >> we're going to take a quick break. we'll have more with donald trump after the quick break when our "360" town hall covers from riverside theater in downtown milwaukee. courtyard, the official hotel of the nfl,
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and i want to remind you that no one's the same without the game. take @youwishcommish8 for instance. he writes, "as commissioner of my fantasy league, i'm thinking about moving the draft up... to next week. too early?" commish, the season is a ways out. months in fact. no rosters are set, the draft hasn't even happened yet, and not a single free agent has been signed. so, it is too early? ...yes it is. dial it back, commish... way back. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? i would. i would indeed. well, let's be clear here. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way! i have no financial experience at all.
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and welcome back. we're talking to donald trump. a week before the wisconsin primary, voters asking the republican candidates the questions that matter to them looking for answer to help them decide. before we go back to the
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audience, i want to ask you a question i asked to senator cruz as well. more than six months ago you pledged to support the republican nominee, whoever that may be. a lot has changed since then. it sounded when i was pressing senator cruz on it, sounded like he was saying he'd have a hard time supporting somebody who went after his wife. >> honestly, he doesn't have to support me. i'm not asking for his support. i want the people's support. >> do you continue to pledge whoever the republican nominee is? >> no. i don't anymore. look -- >> you don't? >> no. we'll see who it is. >> you won't promise to support the republican nominee? >> he was essentially saying the same thing. let me just tell you, he doesn't have to support me. i have tremendous support right now from the people. i'm way over 2 million votes more than him. i have many, many more delegates than him. like many, many more delegates. as i said before, he was talking about great victory the night utah -- well, i won arizona many more delegates. many, many more delegates. i don't really want him to do something he's not comfortable with. just like i can't imagine jeb bush. look, i beat these people badly. i beat jeb bush.
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i beat the governor of this state. the governor of this state came in. he was favored to win. he was at 22 points. then he said something bad about me and i hit him very hard and he went boom and he left the race. he was very early. >> just so i'm clear -- >> i don't want to make people uncomfortable. i don't need their support. now maybe it will be a negative, maybe it twoewon't. >> the pledge you took is null and void, supporting whoever the republican nominee is, you say you will no longer guarantee you will support the republican nominee? >> look, i won the state of missouri, right? [ booing ] no, i have. cruz people. i've been treated very unfairly. >> unfairly by who? >> i think by basically the rnc. the republican party. the establishment. you have a guy like mitt romney who lost miserably who did a terrible job. he ran a horrible, horrible campaign. the last month of that -- i helped him. i raised him a million -- >> do you think the rnc is plotting to take this away from you at the convention? >> i don't know. we'll see what happens.
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you'd have upset people if that happened. just so you understand, when romney came out against any, he ran one of the worst races in the history of presidential politics. he ought to sit back and root for us instead of being a negative force and we have others also. the biggest story in all of politics worldwide weight nowri you might agree to this,s millions of people are coming in voting for any. >> being involved in the process. >> watching, all of this. your ratings tonight will be excellent, right? the debate you had where 23 million people, i don't want to say this bragedly, if i wasn't in it -- >> in the off chance you're not the republican nominee, what would you go your decision whether or not you'd support -- >> i'll see who it is. i'm not looking to hurt anybody. >> if it's senator ted cruz, would you support him? >> look, here's my thing on cruz. a lot of nasty things have been said. i'm a very honorable guy and a very honest guy. i don't do -- i would have never done what he did to ben carson,
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who by the way, endorsed me. i would have never gone to iowa and said ben carson has left the race, he is gone, 100 hkt%, vor me, usher people into the caucus and get them to vote for ted cruz. a lot of people left ben carson. ben carson is an honorable guy. that's a terrible thing to do. there were other terrible things to do, and i honestly, i watched him tonight with you, and i watched how tormented he was when you asked him that question. i don't want to have him torment. i don't want to have him be tormented. let me just tell you, i don't want his support. i don't need his support. i want him to be comfortable. now, if he wants to support me, that would be wonderful because i think i'm going to win. let me just tell you. i watched him, you know, skirt around like any politician would. skirt around the issue. i don't want to make people like jeb bush, like ted cruz, like governor walker, i mean, governor walker, i hit him very hard after he hit me. i hit him very hard and drove him out of the race.
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i drove jeb bush out of the race. i drove rand paul out of the race. i understand why they don't like me and i don't want people that -- i don't want people to do something against their will, anderson. i could see that he was having a hard time with a very simple question that you asked him. would you support -- well, i think i'm going to win. he doesn't have to do it. he doesn't have to support me. i really don't believe i need his support. i'd love to have everybody's support. you know what, i'm a unifier. believe it or not, i'm a unifier. >> if there was a contested convention, and you didn't get the nomination, and someone else was brought in, a paul ryan, for instance, would you support him? >> let me explain. he was very nice. he called me the other day, last week and he was very nice then i read reports he's having meetings with people about, you know, some clandestine things. let's see what happens. but he was very nice when he called. and i assume he's being straight with me. i hope he's being straight with me because what he said was very appropriate. i'm the front-runner by a lot. i'm beating ted cruz by millions of votes.
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millions of votes. the republican party is doing -- it's a phenomena. and this was not going to that with the republican party. people that never voted before, democrats and independents, are pouring in and voting for me. >> in louisiana, you won -- >> i won. >> ted cruz got -- >> show you how -- >> you threatened to sue. >> i won -- well, i'm going to see. i never heard of that before. you know, i'm a very -- i'm an american. if you win an election, you're supposed to -- >> isn't that just sour grapes? didn't he have -- he outworked you on the ground in getting delegates? >> look, in missouri, it was just announced i won. i figured, in fact, they actually found after a tabulation that i got 300 and some odd more votes than i had the first time after two, three weeks of tabulation which gives me another 12 or 13 delegates. it was announced a while ago before i went on the air. i will say this, louisiana, i went to louisiana. i have a great relationship with the people of louisiana. they're great people. i won the election. i was down there the night before. we had an airplane hangar, you
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wouldn't believe it, packed with people screaming. i won the election. then it's all about the delegates. so i won. then i found out i got ten votes, ten delegates less than the guy who lost. i beat him. >> those are the rules. his campaign had a better ground game in louisiana. >> i don't call it a ground game. i call it -- >> they're going to get more delegates. i call it bad politics. when somebody goes in and wins the election and gets less delegates than the guy that lost, i don't think that's right. >> i want you to meet jim, he's the ceo of a valve manufacturing company that's been in the family for three generations. he says he's undecided. he's leaning in your favor. >> that's what i like to hear. >> hello, mr. trump. as a world leader, any leader, you need compassion and willingness to make compromises. can you give me an example of a time you have learned from your behavior and changed the way you have done somethng going forward? >> yeah. i am somebody, jim, thank you. i am somebody that believes in
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flexibility. and if you notice, ted cruz and mostly him, he says he will change, he will negotiate, he will this. look, you don't have to stand on the floor of the united states senate for a day and a half and rant and rave while all the other senators are laughing at you, and by the way, not endorsing him. senator jeff sessions, one of the most respected men in the senate endorsed me, and frankly -- he's a great man. and by the way, jeff sessions is a great man with great, great knowledge. and ted cruz thought he was going to get that endorsement. he would speak about jeff sessions all the time then jeff sessions came out and endorsed me. you need flexibility, and i talk about it all the time. you need to be able to negotiate great deals. you knows, it's not all about signing executive orders because this is something that came in -- that wasn't the way our founders thought that this country was going to win. you have to get -- now, i'll make great deals. i'll make conservative deals. i'm going to make wonderful deals but you have to do can the old-fashioned way like ronald reagan did with chip o'neal. >> do you have a specific, though, for him on -- a specific example that you changed your behavior, changed the way you've
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done something going forward, learned from something you've done that you didn't like the way it turned out? >> i think -- yeah, i have many, many things i've done. i have many things i've changed course on. i mean, i've changed course on many, many things. time. by the way, you know who else evolved? ronald reagan evolved. because ronald reagan signed one of the toughest abortion laws in favor of abortion in california that had been signed in many, many years.
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and yet hoove was a great presit and pretty conservative president. >> you said on the radio you do apologize and you believe in apologizing. when was the last time you actually apologized for something? >> oh, wow. [ laughter ] >> i don't know -- can i think? i do believe in apologizing if you're wrong. we started this with corey, my campaign manager. i say apologize for what? i see the tape. apologize for what? apologize, corey. it would be so much easier. i apologized to my mother years ago for using foul language. i apologize to my wife for not being presidential on occasion. she's always saying "darling, be
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more presidential." >> she told me she talked to you about that. >> she does. the last debate -- cruz talked about -- >> she didn't like you using a word or a dirty word or bad word that somebody in your audience shouted out and you repeated. >> really it was just a repeat and that didn't work out too well. and it wasn't horrible. >> what is it with you, repeats and retweets don't count. >> my biggest problems are repeats and retweets -- >> well, maybe that's one of those things you should learn from your behavior and not retweet things. >> you're right. that i agree with. >> some free advice. >> i will say this, though, my wife and ivanka said on the last debates because the debates had been pretty rough and i felt i had to be rough because it's coming at me from all different
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angles. i've been at the middle of the podium, middle of the stage every debate. >> cruz challenged you to debate him. >> give me a break -- >> you wouldn't debate him one-on-one? >> how many times can the same people ask the same questions? i've had 11 or 12 debates with cruz. grudge, they do an online poll right after the debate, "time" magazine, i think i've won every poll by a lot on debating. >> so no more debates? >> i don't see where it's necessary. frankly, i think this is much better than a debate. the debates, they give you 15 second, what would you do in terms of war and peace, okay? honestly, i think this is a much
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better format. >> i'm happy to keep having these conversations. >> debating is easier because you're talking so little. so i hope you change your mind and hope you're going to -- sorry, john. i want you to meet john, he's a dairy farmer, he has 5,000 cows. we had another dairy farmer asking a question for senator cruz earlier. he said he's leaning in your favor. welcome. >> welcome to the cheese state. wisconsin is an amazing state. our number one economic driver is the dairy and cheese industry right behind it is being challenged by having a labor force dependent on an immigration policy. we have over 10,000 farms in this state.
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with such a strong economic driver, if we don't have a strong immigration policy that will give us the opportunity to keep the ones we have and provide a vehicle to bring new ones in from mexico legally -- >> legally. you said the word. >> but can you develop a policy that will give us that, give us the people that we have here to stay here and do the jobs and create a policy that can bring people in to fill the jobs? we're down to 3.5% unemployment rate so we can't steal any more people from someone else's industry. so how do we fill the jobs and good paying jobs? >> here's where you are. you're in the same position as the california grape growers because they need people to come in. it's seasonal in that case, less season in your case but people will be able to come in legally plegally. you said the word.
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right now we have illegals, some people think it's 31 million, it's probably 12, 13, 14 -- we have no idea what we're doing. if you have an industry like california grapes, like perhaps what you're talking about in wisconsin, we're going to let people come in, but they're going to come in legally. they're going to come in through a visa program and come in legally and it going to work out beautifully. you will not be affected. we don't want to affect businesses. we want to grow businesses. the other part of your question, a thing we really have to talk about it trade. a lot of people are sending goods over to other countries and especially goods that can spoil like what you do. they send over to other countries and the other countries refuse to accept them and yet we accept their goods without tax, without anything. we are going to straighten out our trade policy so that you're going to get a lot more business. >> we have time for one more question from the audience in is andi bowen. she said she's leaning in your
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favor for the primary next week. welcome. >> hi, mr. trump. my 93-year-old father is so impressed with all of your kids, especially with your two sons. and when they're on television being interviewed, he will often say "why can't donald trump be more hike his sons, who are so -- >> i hear that. >> "who are so well spoken and calm." so my question to you, mr. trump, is could you possibly look to your sons as examples as how to not to be quite so reactionary and congratulations on raising such fine young people. >> i think i love that question. can i be honest? i have so many compliments on my children and ivanka is doing phenomenally well. my boys are great and baron is a
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young version i think of eric, g frankly. very fall, such and such. i get so many compliments. and ivanka, she's a star. they're so supportive of me and when i'm doing and they have great attitudes. i get so many people come up to my office and they want to have their children to come up and meet me because they want their children to be like mine. >> do you wish you had more of your clarenhildren's calmness? >> they have great heart. all of my children have a wonderful, wonderful feeling for people. that's why they want me do what i'm doing. we have the expression "make
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america great again" they know we're not going to be taken advantage of anymore. the world is taking advantage of the united states and it's driving us into literally being a third world nation. anderson, i travel all over the world, and i land at airports the likes of which you've never seen, whether it's in qatar or dubai or places in china, the likes of which you have never seen. and then we come home and we land at laguardia with potholes all over the place or l.a.x. or kennedy or newark and you look at what we have and where we've gone. it's time to rebuild our country. >> you just welcomed -- >> and i really appreciate your statement. thank you. >> you just welcomed a new grandson. his name is theodore. any chance you're going to call him crying ted ? >> isn't ted's real name raphael? i think so.
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that's one of the questions -- >> it is, i'm being told. >> theodore roosevelt is somebody jared and ivanka have long studied and respected and it's theodore james. that's what they had in mind. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> donald trump. back with john kasich after this short break. >> thank you. 85% of men say eating right helps prepare them for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure. one a day.
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welcome back. there is history all around us. the theater was lovingly restored in the 80s. it is a magnificent theater. we're here in the mid of a history-making presidential campaign. joining us is ohio as governor, john kasich. [ applause ] how are you? >> good to see you. >> have a seat. >> donald trump's campaign manager corey lewandowski. could you fire him? >> i haven't seen the video. they tell me the video is real.
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of course i would. when you have problems like that, you have to act. i've been running the seventh largest state. from what i understand the video is clear. of course i would fire him. >> you were pinning your hopes on a contested convention. assuming there is one, why would you be selected? you've only won one state, your home state of ohio. why would you get the nomination? >> in every national poll, i am the only one that beats hillary clinton consistently. in the last poll i was up 1 points. secondly, delegates would look can you win in the fall? it not just a nomination, it's about winning the election. it we do not have a strong candidate winning the election,
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we have a possibility of losing the senate as well. people who go to the convention are going to be concerned over who can run the country. it's like a big deal. who can be president, who can be commander in chief? i have more experience than all of them put together except than mrs. clinton. i served ace years on the armed services committee, i was involved in welfare reform, when i was chairman of the budget committee, we balanced the budget, we had job growth. i've been the executive in ohio. we've grown jobs. at some point people are going to look at two things, who can win in the fall and who can be sfr president. >> to have only won one home state, the voters have spoken. >> anderson, i think it's pretty clear and most of the people in here i think would agree with this, for most of the debates, i was completely ignored. it's been like the last three
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weeks to a month that people started to pay attention to who i am and listened to my message. i haven't gotten down in the mud and had nasty sound bites. but conventions are very interesting. republicans have had ten conventions. and the leader going into the convention has only been the nominee three times out of ten. seven times out of ten they were not. so i think -- and we're going to do better as this calendar moves to the east. i'm starting to get on my home court. look, i went to ohio, i won by 11 points, i did very, very welfare reform there, we're going to go to pennsylvania, new york, new jersey, connecticut. these are all places where i did extremely well. a convention is nothing more than a process of what we have going now. somehow people they're truncated somehow, they're disjointed. they're not.
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you go to the primaries, get delegates and determine the nominees. >> you said yesterday one of the opponents wants to make the sand glow and the other one complains about the country not doing enough. why would america be safer under your watch? >> anderson, first of all, i've been saying for a long time and laid out an extensive program on rebuilding the military. i've been arguing we need to go after isis. i was there in the gulf war, i saw it happen and saw our muslim-arab friends join us and we pushed saddam out of kuwait. that same coalition needs come together and we need to destroy isis in the air and on the ground dp-- >> there are a lot of countries,
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saudi arabia that don't see -- >> saudi arabia, egypt, they know it's an existential threat. they will join us. they joined us before against saddam hussein. that was not as big of a deal as this is where they're blowing people up all over the world. secondly, of course, i think, anderson, that we need really good world wide intelligence. the lemons we're seeing can be turned into lemonade and the president of the united states can rally the civil world to destroy these folks intent on destroying us. and we need to change nato from not just a military organization but an intelligence gathering and also a policing organization that works across boundaries. all of us together, working together, destroys isis, have the good human intelligence -- >> donald trump says nato as 's
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obsolete. is it? >> of course it's not. that's absurd. it's important we get these countries to pitch in and do more. they'll never do as much as we want. part of the problem is the governments over there are too much socialism, too much political correctness. that's why they didn't even catch this stuff in brussels. nato has an additional role now and that is policing and intelligence gathering. we need to have the muslims working with us and the west -- >> that's critical? >> absolutely critical. let me tell you, anderson, if we wanted to get information out of some radical that's in a mosque, you're a really great guy, but if you were three blocks from the mosque, do you think you'd get anything? >> i don't blend very well. >> no, you are don't. the fact is we want the muslims who are -- they feel as strongly as we do about these murderers out there. these muslims, they're the ones that have to police their own
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neighborhoods. and, frankly, we need the imans to come out and issue statements about how their religion has been hijacked. it takes all of us together. it takes us to have great human intelligence. here in the united states we have counterterrorism task forces made up of the fbi, made up of homeland security, state and local law enforcement and their job is to disrupt. that's why the issue of apple was so important because they need the resources to be able to carry out their job for all of us but they need one other thing, they need the tools. if they can't hear, it becomes a problem. but there's also a role for us. because when we see something happening in our neighborhood, we have an obligation, anderson, we have an obligation to alert authorities. >> you talked about donald trump in an interview in his foreign policy, "i think that's the most ridiculous foreign policy i ever heard, there is somebody who just doesn't understand foreign
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policy." >> which part was i talking about? >> i don't remember. >> we're going to have a religious test if you come in the country. raise your hand if you're a muslim. that's not going to work. we were not going to police muslim nakeighborhoods. we can't afford polarization in civilized nations all over the world. there are people who know this threat has to be stopped. when people in pakistan die, we all die a little bit when they blow up innocent men, women and children at an easter service. this is an opportunity for us to be brought together. the president, by the way, went to a baseball game in cuba instead of coming -- if i were president, i would come home, i would find our vulnerabilities and i would say let's look at
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what our problems are and fix them immediately. [ applause ] >> the response of the white house it that criticism is often, well, look, by changing the president's schedule, it gives power to terrorist group that they're able toer of the f schedule -- >> so you go to a baseball game and you don't come home? >> that's another issue. >> here as the situation. that attack was in the heart of europe. that was an attack on the very heart of our friends who live in europe. yeah, i think it's important enough to come home. secondly, i'll give you another one that i can't believe. the president of the united states -- the first thing he did is he wouldn't meet with our friend netanyahu. that was the first meeting he snubbed. now he snubbed a meeting with the president of turkey. do you know how important it is for to us have good relations with turkey? they're the gate west to the
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east. he was the one that alerted the europeans about the radicals moving over to brussels. you have to be able to manage this. it's complicated, it takes sophistication and you need good advisers. but you need experience and you need a good gut. and i've been involved in these things for almost all of my adult lifetime. i have advisers but i don't have many teachers, i understand most of these things. >> we talked about trump's campaign managers. your campaign manager tweeted this, cruz with zero friends, zero record, zero chance decides to lie about@john kasich, trump right on one thing,lying ted. is this -- >> no, sometimes he gets a little tweet happy and i don't
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like it and i will have a word with him about it. they say kasich doesn't have any strength out here. if you don't have any stretch, they don't spend money attacking you. arnold schwarzenegger told me in 2010 when i was running for governor, i said they're really beating me up. he he looked at me and said, "john, learn to love the beatings." they are hammering me, not trump. that's very interesting. i can take it. >> your two fellow candidates have been duking it out over the last week or so -- >> the last week or so? how about the last five months? where you been, anderson? that's why i'm not in the news. i didn't call anybody a anymona. i'm in the going to take the low
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road to the highest position in the land. sometimes it's amazing to me. sometimes when you look at it i think what the heck are we doing hear? i was on the radio talk show with jay somebody or other, i don't remember this morning -- whatever his name is. nice guy. yesterday i was on a different one and a guy says to me, well, you know, maybe this is the new politics. if name calling, bringing in spouses and ripping each other below the belt and wrestling in the mud is the new politics, we all need to stand against it. our children are watching. this is america. we need to talk about what we're for. and i have been consistent. now, when they say something on policy-wise that's bad, of course i'm going to say something about it, but i don't want to go down into -- i'm not going to go down there. i hope not. i could screw up but i hope not. >> jim vogel is here.
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he works in advertising. he said he's leaning towards senator cruz. >> hi, governor. in ohio you accepted medicaid expansion and you took on the med -- i'm sorry, the health care exchanges and it was to help the poor. here in wisconsin we used -- governor walk aer used badger ce to essentially provide the same services at the same levels and we can it without creating a new expansion program and creating debt. why did you use obama care? why did you choose the washington-based solution? why can't you ever look at other solutions than washington. >> it's not so simple what governor walker did here. today the "milwaukee journal
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sent inel" endorsed me for president of the united states. >> i brought innovation to the system. i then had a choice. now that my program was under control, i they had a choice. could i bring money back, which is frankly our money, ohio money, back to ohio to solve some of our problems. let me tell what you we've done. i don't believe the mentally ill ought to be sleeping under a bridge or be in prison. if i can get them medication and get them on their feet and get them a job, they become taxpayers. we save money. and i believe the drug addicted in our prisons should be treated. that costs $22,500 a year and
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we're throwing a life down the drain. because of our program now in the prisons and with the community, we have an 80% success rate in not having people go back in and our recidivism rate is 27%. and, by the way, we're running a $2 billion surplus. we don't put our budget together with scotch tape and bail and wire. we're running a $2 million surplus. we're in ohio, we're treating the mentally ill, the drug addicted, the working poor, they're in a better position, not in our prisons, they're getting on their feet, becoming taxpayers and our medicare program is under control and i reject obamacare. i never knew what the heck was going to come of it. i have a solid health care man to replace obamacare, which involves transparency, competition, market-oriented forces. we're actually doing it in my
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state and i like to spread it all across the country. so the idea of doing that was not only compassionate, but it also made good economic sense for our state and it's working out quite well. >> thank you for your question. governor, i want you to meet jew julie grace -- >> just one other thing i wanted to say. i spent ten years of my life fighting to balance the budget. senator domenici and i worked with the clinton administration. we got it balanced four years in a row. had at any time been balanced since man walked on the moon, hasn't been balanced since. when i left washington, there was a $5 trillion surplus and get who spent it? the republicans. now, sir, you have to stand in the breach when you're a leader. what i did in washington in getting that budget under chrome
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and wh -- control, and what i've done in ohio, we've cut taxes by more than any governor in the country, including your governor. >> all right. i want you to meet julie grace, a student at marquette university. she said she's supporting you. >> oh, you are? >> i am. >> thank you. say something really, really good. >> i'll try. >> so in europe many far right conservative parties, anti-immigrant parties have been gaining momentum recently, specifically germany, sweden, france and britain. do you think a similar movement is going on here in the u.s. and if so, how can the u.s. address this? >> we've gone through periods this our describe strohistory w turned against immigration and these things have sprung up. young lady, we have to protect
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the border. secondly, we should have a work program. and thirdly, if they came here illegally and they've not committed a crime since they've been here, they'll pay a fine and they'll have a path to citizenship. the idea that we're going to walk through milwaukee and yank people out of their homes in front of their children, that's ridiculous. we can have a border program, get a path to legalization. you have to go back, no excuses. you know what i think? i think that can pass the united states congress and i think it can pass with the american people and get this issue behind us and get this thing healed. we need a healing in america. stop kicking cans down the road and solve problems in this country. and i think that's a reasonable solution to this problem of
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immigration. >> thank you for your question. [ applause ] >> this is asa white, a student also, said he's leaning towards supporting donald trump. >> thank you. my question -- the most recent terror attack in brussels has highlighted a big issue we have with our attack on foreign terrorism. we have neighborhoods being deemed at terrorist hotbeds. do you support senator cruz's when he says we should go into muslim neighborhoods and patrol them? >> no, i don't support that at all. i think it's ridiculous. you know what? the guy who was the best police guy in the whole country, he understands policing, is a guy named bill bratton, now currently the police chief in new york, he was the police chief under rudy giuliani, he was the head of the metro system in boston and ran the los
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angeles police department. he's the best. he said that plan is ridiculous. let me tell you, sir, we all want to catch these bad guys. i know how it works because i've got joint terroriricerrorism ta members in my state and they're in your state. let me ask a question. we have a religious test, we're going to know you and we're going to protect you, now i want you to help me who the bad guys are. if we polarize the entire community, how are we going to learn who they are? i have to tell you, the vast, vast, vast majority of muslims, they think their religion has been hijacked, that we have murderers out there who have distorted their religion and they want to stop had as much as
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we want to stop it. so the fact is let's isolate those people who are the killers and let's work together as a community of civilized people to take the battle to them. destroy isis, that's a given and then great intelligence to th thwart these attacks. >> thank you for your question. this is jim walker, a republican from franklin, wisconsin. he said he's leaning towards ted cruz for his experience but likes you because you run a blue collar state. >> thank you, anderson. welcome to the great state of wisconsin. i represent an equipment manufacturer that directly employs many thousands of people. indirectly as you can imagine with farm equipment that we sell, we indirectly support many thousands of farmers and we
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export about a third of our product. in essence, we're a global manufacturing company. to spark a trade battle would not only be detrimental to business but to all of those we directly and indirect live support. as president, how would you engage in diplomacy that won't hurt business? >> we have over 63,000 new manufacturing jobs in my state now. we're paying attention to all the sectors. let's talk about trade. it's a tough issue. one out of five americans work towards something related to trade and that's 38 million americans beep ne americans. we need to have pfree trade. i do these town halls all the time. i love them. remember when we got all the japanese cars in the country?
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remember what happened to u.s. cars? they got better. innovation and competition really works. but at the same time when we do trade agreements and other countries cheat and they do cheat, some manipulate currency and when we find them, we have to call them on it. we had u.s. steel develop money in our state. the koreans were dumping tubes inside the u.s. that means selling product below the cost of what it took them to make them. by the time you research them and prove your case, it could be a year or two and all your people are out of work. we need an early warning system. let me tell you, when they cheat, i will act as the president of the united states. think of it this way. if ohio state came up to play your beloved badgers and i asked for five downs to get a first down and you only got four, how would you feel? you wouldn't put up with it,
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okay? we should not put up with countries when they cheat. that does not keep us from embracing the notion of open and free trade. one other thing, we now have this trade agreement on the table, the tpp agreement. up kn you know, when we trade we're the most open country and everybodies hy else has barrier. we tried to get their barriers down to get our product noose their country. but you worry about the chinese and their growing strength, particularly in asia, make a trade agreement, integrate ourselves with our friends had asia, who can become a bulwark against the chinese. you have to have an early warning system, you have to shut it off and agriculture depends on exports more than any other in this country. >> that message doesn't
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resonate. donald trump said -- >> i can say all kinds of things to get people stirred up but leaders don't do that. they tell people the way they see it, even if it means you're unpopular. you can't believe how many people i made angry in washington fighting to balance the budget. i was one of the most unpopular governors but i knew what the formula was and now i'm one of the most popular governors. you cannot make decisions as a leader by putting your finger in the air or doing focus groups and getting people involved when you know what they're saying is not true. i will not do that. i have never done it in my lifetime and i'm not about to start. period and end of story. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is william dunnford. he's a student at marquette university. he says who supports ted cruz.
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>> 70 years after world war ii and quarter century after the world war ended why does security remain a responsibility for americans? given that europeans are wealthy enough to depend themselves, why shouldn't they? >> young man, look, i don't know if you're a leader in your family or not, there are leaders in a family who do more for your brothers and sisters. and your spouse says why do we have do this all the time? because that's what leaders do. they need to straighten out their economy. i can tell you, it's hard for them to get right with things. they're weak economically.
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they doesn't stop them from sharing their share of the load. we don't want to have those relationships eliminated because it hurts us, too. we need to have a strong western europe. i just heard briefly somebody was saying that we should just ignore ukraine. are you kidding me? the united states of america should be arming the ukrainian who is want to fight for freedom against putin, who should be arming them with lethal defensive aid. now, young man, we should always tell them you got to do more and we should use whatever leverage we have to get them to do more, but i'm going to tell you as americans, as long as i've been alive, we always carry more of the share of the burden than we would like. we always do. and you know there's an old scripture that says to whom much is given much is expected. and as president i would fight to get them to give us more and i would use whatever leverage i could to get them to give us more but to be honest with you, we're always going to complain
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about this. but to walk away from that alliance, are you kidding me? if we walk away and it gets weak er, how long do you think it will take the islamists to come over here? there's no easy way out of this. when you are a leader who has seen these things, then you great sobering approach. that's why the journal centennial here in milwaukee said kasich is a pragmatic conservative. you just can't knock all the pieces off the chess board when you get frustrated. >> we're going to take a quick break and we'll have more questions for governor kasich as the "cnn 360 town hall" continues.
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♪ [engine revs] ♪ ♪ [engine revving] the all-new audi a4 is here.
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welcome back. we continue the conversation, taking more questions for ohio governor john kasich. thanks very much for joining us again. i want to ask you a question
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which i asked to each of the other candidates as well and had surprising answers. a pledge was made earlier in the race by all gop candidates saying they would pledge to support whoever the nomination was. doesn't donald trump said that pledge is essentially null and void, he would not necessarily name nate, he' nominate, he'll have to wait and see. ted cruz wouldn't answer it and -- >> maybe i won't answer it either. when you're in the arena, you develop respect for those in the arena, but i've been disturbed by some of the things i've seen and i have to know how my word
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is perceived. i think the little engine that condition keeps going. i sure hope they'll endorse me for president when i'm the nominee coming out of convention in cleveland. is that a good answer? i don't know. >> i would be remiss not to follow up. essentially you're saying it's in the balance. you're waiting to see. >> i would say that's a good way to describe it. >> you're not ironclad standing by the initial pledge to -- >> we shouldn't have answered that question, it was the first debate and -- >> to be clear. >> that's as clear as you're going to get out of me. i have to see what's going to happen. if it's someone that is going to harm the country --
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>> so far would you think that it looks like donald trump would harm the country? >> that's too below the belt. i'm not going to get into that. >> welcome. >> my family and i raise sled dogs. we started a business and i funded the whole thing myself. i was wondering what your thought were on helping small businesses get going and tax incentives. >> i hate to keep talking about my state. our small businesses pay virtually no income packs kocom because we want small businesses to grow. and the best chance you have when you graduate college is
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with a small business. i'm for lowering the income taxes nationally. you probably on your personal taxes have a pass-through corporation. we need to bring the taxes down and help small businesses. the other thing we have to be careful of is we're not snuffing out the small lending institutions, the community banks. i was in lacrosse and i went to this little bakery and this woman proudly was talking about how she built this bakery business, it was a fantastic place. she said a got a $9,000 loan. i said how did you get it? she said i went to one local community bank and said if you have don't loan me the money, i'm going down the street. what we're facing now with some of the big banks that's trickled down to the smaller banks is we're beginning to see the smaller banks go out of business. those are the ones you depend upon to get the loan you need
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because they know you. lower the truth and a path to fiscal stability, a balanced budget. those are the things that will help you more than anything else. and one final thing, workforce development. we have got to begin to teach our kids in k through 12 to be getting an education for a job that exists. don't get educated in a vacuum. make sure you know what you want to did and look for an education this can lead up to a real job. [ applause ] >> good luck. good luck. >> let me follow up on that. >> i did a sled dog trim one time in new hampshire many years ago and i thought i was going to drown in the water. when i come up, can you give me a safe ride. how's that? >> all right.
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>> ohio has actually lagged behind the nation in job growth during your tenure as governor. if that's true -- >> it not true. >> the national private sector job growth rate -- >> we were 48th when i became governor, now we're in the top ten. we're doing very, very well. but we're not out of the woods yet. let's go back to washington. when i fought for all those years to balance the budget, cut the capital gains tax, that's the tax that gentleman use when is he takes a risk, jobs were flying out like you wouldn't believe. there are three things needed to grow an economy -- common sense regulation, we don't have them now, lower taxes, taxes are going up. you go to the doctor, you say
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i'm not feeling well. he says what did you do? well, i didn't listen to anything you said. this is a formula that will work. i'm only saying this because i want to you have job security and i want to you believe that your kids are going to have a better life than you got from your parents. that's the great american legacy and that's when i'm committed to, folks, no matter who i tick off in the process. that's what we got to do, okay? so -- >> this is mary beth. she's a sales representative for her family's 106-year-old business. she said she's undecided. >> as a practices roman catholic, i believe life begins at conception and end at natural death. if you were our president, would you support legislation that would create a protected class for unborn persons the same way we have protected classes for
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minority races and sexual orientations? [ applause ] >> i've been pro-life all of my career. the only exception are rape, incest and life of the mother. when it comes to a supreme court justice, we have to be careful. i want to appoint judges who don't make law but who interpret the law. you said life begins and then it ends at death. i'm going to give you another thought. life begins and then it ends at death and then we have another life yet to come. don't lose sight of that. >> thank you, governor. >> thank you. that's what easter was all about, right? okay. >> our next guest is joseph rice. he is a business owner from white fish bay. he says he is slightly leaning towards ted cruz but that his heart is with you, governor. >> well, then go with the heart, man!
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>> well, i'll try to ask a heart-felt question here, governor. i'm curious to know how you may have shown moral courage in the face of public opposition. so can you cite an action that you took or decision that you made knowing it was the right thing to do, despite it being politically unpopular? >> look, i don't want to get into how courageous i am or anything, but look, a gentleman stood up first question out of here is medicaid expansion. i knew it wasn't going to be all that popular. of course i wasn't thinking about running for president. i'll tell you the story. i had this woman, she's terrific. she runs our mental health drug addiction services. she comes in my office and says -- i said do you think i'm going to expand medicaid? and she says, well, i pray every night you will. i said your prayers are
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answered, i'm going do it. she walked out of my office and into the other room and cried. you can't sit around and worry about who is going to like you. i'll give you another one. when i was in washington, i said if we're going to reform welfare for the poor people, we ought to reform it for the rich people. so i fought for corporate welfare reform and closed some of the big loopholes when these companies moved to puerto rico to get tax advantages. i wanted an opposition to the clinton tax increase and i had a specific program to fight that. we had a republican conference. newt was sitting in the back of the room. we had 34 speakers, and 34 speakers said don't let him
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reveal his plan. the plan got out. the battle we engaged in in '93 and '94 brought a whole enough wave of people into the congress. sir, what you have to realize in this business is you're there for a short period of time. you have to drive the car when you get your hands on the wheel and you got it have people around that will tell you when you're on the wrong path because sometimes you get on the wrong path. but i have to also tell you you don't ever want to look back and say i played politics, i took care of my party and didn't serve the people. i'm as big of a reformer as i was the day i got elected. i believe we can change the world and maybe the world better for everyone. and sometimes you get people upset. that's kind of goes with the territory. harry truman said if you want a friend and you're in washington, you better go get a dog.
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okay? >> this is charlotte rasmussen. she's from the township of butler. she's retired, said she's undecided. welcome, charlotte. about? hello. governor kasich, if you become the nominee of the party, who are you going to pick for your vice president? >> are you available? you look great tonight. no, you know what, that's so far ahead. that's like measuring the drapes. but i picked a lieutenant governor, somebody to run with me, a great woman, she was our auditor and i picked her to run with me because she understood what i wanted to accomplish and she was willing to be a really great teammate, she's done great job. so you want to pick somebody who you're comfortable with and somebody who understands when you're all about and somebody who is not afraid to speak up to you. you see, you can't just surround yourself with sycophants, you got to have people there who can tell you, no, i don't think that's right and then you argue it out. at the end, though, once you
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decide, the whole team moves in the same direction. have i been able to be able to accomplish things in politics, i'm going to tell you, not because i'm so great but i've been able to attract people throughout the years -- i have some people that have been around me for 30 years. we form a great team and we keep our eyes on the horizon. i think everybody wants to be involved with something that's bigger than themselves. and that's what i always try to represent and present in public life. so be somebody along those lines. okay? aaron rodgers, maybe if he had a better year next year. we'll see. >> we'll take a quick break and have more with governor kasich as we continue from milwaukee. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. we're here with governor john kasich of haiohio, here in
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milwaukee, wisconsin. yesterday cnn your campaign is looking to work behind the scenes with the cruz campaign to work together to deny donald trump delegates for the nomination. >> i'm not in the middle of that and i haven't seen ted since the last dee babate. i'm not involved like that. >> you said you've done a lot of town halls, about 200. >> just like this. >> one of the things that stuck in my mind, you said this campaign has caused you to slow down. it was in reference with an
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incident you had in reference with a young man. in what way? >> the young man that gave me a hug was just emblematic of what i've seen all over. i think when people want to feel safe and for some reason they come to the town halls i have, which are basically town halls about how we can fix things and be hopeful and for some reason people feel safe. that's the grace of the lord to help people feel what way. i want to ship programs back to the states. here as what i want everybody to know, i believe. the spirit of our country, anderson, doesn't rest in the president. i mean, the president's important. but the spirit of our country rests in the neighborhoods. it rests in the people who are here tonight. we're the ones that need to change the world, fix education, deal with the problems of the poor. you take a leady who was marrie
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50 years, her husband died, nobody calls her anymore. call her on a monday, she's going to get her hair done. when you pick her up, not one hair is out of place and she wears a dress she hasn't worn in six months. are you changing the world? i think you are. when a nurse sits and spends a minutes with someone to see if they're okay, the lord has given us all a certain purpose in life and we need to carry it out and live a life bigger than ourselves. but we can get up every day and give a life to help he'al this world. without jobs we shall don't have anything. but when we shift welfare, infrastructure, job training, medicaid programs back to the states, then we got to run 'em and we got to run 'em where we
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live and state power ought to be shift morging more power to the neighborhoods. that's the spirit of our country. it's in me, it's in him. it's not down in somebody in washington, dc. you think? i mean, i hope so. i believe that. >> is this it? >> yeah. we'd love to do another one. that is all the time we have. i want to thank all the candidates, thank the voters, thank everyone who made tonight possible, including the riverside theater and turner theater here milwaukee. thank you. [ applause ] ♪
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because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you it is breaking news. sparks right fly at our republican town hall in milwaukee. we are just one week away from republican primaries. ted cruz, donald trump and john kasich trying to make their case to the voters. my dream team, douglas brinkley, "rightful heritage, franklin d. ro